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Everything posted by Counterstrike

  1. LOL!! I could say the same for you Boom!! GGs!! Yeah Bee hit me a 3-0 🥲. No sweat we will train and come back stronger just you wait!!
  2. But if you iz Darcsol you just the crap outta me !!
  3. Holy crap im seeing you guys here with Mister Bee!!! Fricking awesome LOL!!!
  4. Dunno how the timing works out with but everyone on the beta should definitely link up!! I'm on the Europe server 0006 if anyone wants in! Just look for CatalystTNT! I;m pulling all nighter here first time i can actually play Jamie!!! 😄
  5. Daigo casually beating the crap out Bonchan!! For him ,it was a Tuesday.
  6. LOL!!! IHU but you don't have to be a Ryu fan to appreciate how simple yet cool this is in comparison to what we have now. I know CAPCOM wants to push Luke as the new face of SF but GADDAMN that Cover is terrible lol.
  7. Hold up is this legit?? I thought it was only the Japanese versions that had the really cool alternative artwork. If it is, cool because anything beats Popeye Luke.
  8. Nahhhh they knew what they were doing with Krasinski. He was all over the place with Fan casting him and his wife Emily blunt as Sue Storm. So his addition was a nice nod to the fans especially........ Oh yeah i liked him in that role too!! Imma be honest, i totally forgot that piece of media existed.....wiped it clear out of my mind until you mentioned it. So nobody looking for Miles Teller to make a comeback??
  9. I'm really enjoying the Aristocat's Otherworldly Adventure right now! It's fun and light with another OP protagonist but this time, he's charming and entertaining enough to make you care about him. I like there's a reasoning behind him gaining such immense power, but its kept hidden to peak your interest.
  10. So yeah Adam Driver could be our new Mr. Fantastic! Not a big fan of this casting cause i was one of those geeks who enjoyed Krasinski's portrayal in MOM.
  11. Sometimes they sell copies bro! Anyone remember Darth Vader and Yoda on Calibur??? That stuff was epic but for SF nahhhhhhh i don't like it all! Just like you mentioned with MK.SF has a wide roster of fighters from its lifespan to choose from and update. I mean we still haven't ever gotten a Retsu, Joe, Mike or a Geki from the original. Take my money right now for Adon, Makoto, Hugo or Eagle!!! Hellllll, if you want guests so bad bring ZERO! You telling people won't pay for that MVC vibe in SF6?? Anyone got any info on this??? I think its been really quiet for a while now.
  12. You really think my two examples were trash?? Well damn i thought i put it out really good there. Point One: You thought it was lame Luke had comparable skills with the other Rebel pilots. I even gave you the Anakin example to show how with his skills as a star pilot and the Force he would have an advantage. Not a fair point?? Point Two: The Womp rats example translates into a viable skill as it shows he has expert level marksmanship without technical aids or the Force. Still not good enough?? Ok moving on Rey's life as a scrapper does not translate to she can fix anything!! Anything??? She lived her entire life on a planet with access to specific war machines from the previous war. That does not instantly make her her an expert when it comes to all Rebel alliance, Resistance, First Order and Imperial class technology and for you to insist yes that's the case, is really astounding!! I like how you used real world examples so let's continue along using that line of logic. Let me ask you, can the average mechanic fix an airplane?? A school bus??? A submarine?? A satellite?? No. These are all skills that come with additional years of training and are diverse in their scope and execution. One does not naturally translate into the other. Are you saying with her limited technical exposure, given proper time, labor and materials she could repair and rebuild the Death Star?? My point is within the context of the movie franchise with its two main protagonists, Luke is given more build up in story to explain his eventual mastery of the Force. We can understand how he gains his strength through his character progression and training with not one but two Jedi Masters. Rey just exists and throughout her films she is not given the love or attention necessary for me to say "YEAH GIRL YOU GO" and empathize with her. Can't argue with you there. Even poor George had to throw in the towel .
  13. All without training shhhhhhhhhhhh. The Force is strong with this one!!!
  14. Niceeeeeeee a fellow member of the OT !! Force sensitive users even without formal Jedi training ,have innate abilities over the uninitiated. A good example was Anakin who used his abilities to Pod race, which put him on par with pro racers. Luke was already a good pilot so that in combination with his connection to the Force, would put him at a considerable advantage over the other Rebel pilots. Your example refers to the pilot complaining their target was too small to hit even with a targeting computer, to which Luke replied, it would be no different from hitting womp rats. That's not a flaw, this is an example of Luke's skill that he honed on his home world. At least we got a little context here, that he was capable of accomplishing that feat, without relying the Force!! Those two examples are more insight into Luke and why he is able to perform at these levels than we got with Rey ,who through her own sheer brilliance, resisted a Mental probe from a trained Sith, defeated said Sith in one on one combat, could fix virtually anything she encountered, pilot a ship she never saw before, mind trick a Stormtrooper, raise an avalanche of boulders with little to no effort and best Luke himself after a heated argument.
  15. AWESOME!!! Hell i've never picked up Tekken since i got blown up some kid in the arcades mashing with Gordo. Salty i know but 8 is on a different level in terms of accessibility and for a mere casual like me, its looking really good!!
  16. I guess we'll see what goes after he reboots the DCU. Interesting stuff possible here thats's for sure.
  17. Now that's an interesting take on the whole Luke vs. Rey topic. How did you ever come up with that response after watching the movies??
  18. Agreed!! I don't see how they're going to redeem this character unless she makes a total reversal and becomes, flawed, vulnerable, relatable and well, basically a human. Right now she's an anime OP goddess with a power level of over 9000 and no one can touch her. Hell i could be proven wrong and they could hit me for a complete 180 like they did with poor Luke Skywalker.
  19. There was an og cut??? Mannnnnn ferget all that , ALWAYS go and see it yourself. They bashed the @#$! out of DnD and i think it was a really decent movie. Critics these days don't mean anything to me anymore.
  20. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh Beetle looks awesome!! Definitely worth a ticket in my books! I couldn't give a @#$! about George Lopez's involvement but i love the little Easter eggs from the other past Beetles we've already seen in the clips! Keeping my fingers crossed on this one!
  21. Brock mebbe?? He's usually that hired gun to get the job done. New WWE Champ throw Brock in there to @#$! him up and no one bats an eyelid!
  22. Shotos are the most popular SF archetype hands down! At this point if your hero is NOT a Shoto, you've already lost half the battle in the hearts of casuals. Let's be real!!
  23. I think it was a stroke of genius!! What better way to generate hype and introduce their new star to the series by giving you a glimpse of the future?? The problem was they backed the wrong pony and made him so broke, even the pros had to switch from their mains just to deal. Imagine this, Luke's hated because he's too good!! Let that wrap around your brain a lil!! You have to understand, this was all done to cushion the blow to fans that they were moving the series not only chronologically forward, (about effing time) but it would no longer focus on Ryu and his arc, which they tied up nicely in SF5! You do remember what happened with SF3 which introduced the new face of Street Fighter right?? It was a fricking disaster and my poor boy Alex NEVER got the kind of hype or respect CAPCOM was hoping for! It's kinda like how WWE is forcing Roman Reigns down our throats for years and saying "you gotta like this guy cause we say so" and everybody is like sure he's cool but where John Cena at?? Can't see him! That's Luke right now! He's an acquired taste you hate to love.
  24. Man AJ i don't what's going on in this man's mind. He definitely won this fight overall but geezus, he just looked so bored and plodded his way through this match with no sense of urgency. He put in such a lackluster effort that you have to question if his heart is still in this game. He went a full 12 rounds with Jermaine and then has the balls to call out Fury and Wilder??
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