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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. Injustice 2 Legendary Edition (all the character DLC included aka GOTY edition) will be released on March 27th in US.
  2. I have a feeling the last episode will "tease" it, and maybe fully show it in S2.
  3. So, some new Generations figures (mostly remolds though) were announced in Australia ToyFair You've come a long way, Outback.... (fitting given the country lol)
  4. BL is so good I almost like the day to day civilian stuff more than the superheroics.
  5. From pediatric neurosurgeon to live TV fartknocker.. You've come a long way, Ben Carson...
  6. It's the end of another Black History month. Let us end it in style.
  7. IMO they are entertaining but the quality varies between seasons. I think theyre generally better than most of the Dc theatrical movies (Except Wonder Woman) Flash and Arrow in S1 and S2 were great but their 3/4 seasons were mediocre or bad(Arrow S4) Black Lightning is in its 1st season and despite me knowing nothing of the character , I really like it. IT has a different vibe than the others because the main character is older and has kids and it doesnt really have a villain of the week feel that the others had starting out. Legends was just ok in Season 1 , nd improved significantly in S2 imo. They do have some cheesy elements but I Think overall theyre good.
  8. The lounge is my favorite thread on the other site, so I guess we could replicate it here. Have at it, scurvy scalawags... The Basics on Jetfire
  9. Hi everyone ! Robots in disguise and all that
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