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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. guy invented a "robot" bow that aims without human aid. flippin genius man
  2. er..i lost my account log in info. dont matter. i just made a new account. first off. i know im late to the game but. i wanna say this. it really irks me that biden gave the victory to the taliban. i saw the 9/11 attacks 20 years ago outside my window. and i cant believe that 50 nations, the world coalition, couldnt destroy 80,000 illiterate sheep herders. shameful. and that biden. who im 100% sure is senile. essentially surrendered to the taliban. pathetic. i remember 20 years ago when the spokesman for the taliban. said that they were gonna win the war against the 50 nations that declared war against them. 20 years ago, i laughed. i lol'ed. now. i gotta hold that L. wow. so, we went from an egomaniacal president trump, to a senile delusional buffoon. great. is there anyone..anyone in washington that is at least somewhat competent? also. lol at onlyfans chicks going broke.
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