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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. i use to know how to put instagram pics up here on this site but i forgot. how do i do it again cuz i dont remember how.?
  2. i literally posted all that gain of function fauci info with the two joe rogan clips couple days ago. also, thats fucked up about the baldwin shooting. homboy killed a girl. that cant be easy to sleep at night from that point on in your life. id be super depressed. like forever.
  3. playing dmc5 bloody palace. im mad. cuz i lost by time out. using nero. nero is...weak against large groups. it sucks losing by clock. its just nero versus large enemies. he's weak i love my boy, against single enemies hes strong but. groups. he aintz like v or dante. ugh. here i go again. i just wanna make it and beat stage 60 so i unlock playing that dope boss with the sword. thats the most fun in the game. damnnit.
  4. do you guys believe bob lazar was telling the truth? yay or nay? he only came to mind cuz i recently downloaded a periodic table of elements app and elelment 115 that he talked about before it existed and now in the table i downloaded. the app calls element 115 as Moscovium. discovered by joint institute for nucleur research and lawrence livermore national lab.
  5. jesus got nailed to wood and barabbas got set free. from that point on we all got fucked. its God's revenge for our fuck up
  6. prepare to get your minds blown this girl.... became this girl.. let that sink in. goes to show anythings possible in this world.
  7. anybody here play the new demon slayer fighting game? thoughts & opinions? also, stu out here rocking DQ8 Angelo av. i see him and all i think is falcon sword plus falcon slash = slash slash slash slash!
  8. dune did well btw...idk about here in the states but internationally its already done 100 million before usa introduction. so it might get the sequel. the usa numbers havent come in yet. itll be on hbo max on the 22nd.
  9. i just finished watching dune. im gonna assume most of yall have either read the book or watch the lynch movie. so i can talk about it in detail. but i wont. cuz theres not much difference between the lynch version and this one regarding story development or unrollment of story. but i'll give you my thoughts. first off the music. its quite good. its arabesque in style. think prince of persia soundtrack. but not as good as the games. good tho and fits the desert scene. visuals. its quite pretty. even if alot of it looks like lynch's. some of it. some scenes look stunning tho. namely the parts that dont look like the dune stuff youve seen before. but those scenes that stand out are sorta few and far between tbh. but its still satisfying and strong visualswise. Tho the movie at times was dark lightingwise like star wars solo movie. and lacking in color. pretty monochrome. acting. its quite strong. at least paul's mom. duncan. the baron. and most especially javier bardem. he stole every scene he was in. hopefully javier playing stilgar will appear alot more in part 2. this aint no spoiler but the movie ends where paul and his moms meet the fremen at the rocks after they run from the worm. right after they join the fremen and start leaving the rocks. but you guys im assuming have all seen the lynch movie by now to know which part of that movie im talking about. if u have never read the book or seen the movie. dont matter cuz you dont even know what im talkin about by saying that. now. the big problem with the movie. its half the book. sooooo. idk wtf to think. it would be like watching star wars a new hope and watching in 77 first time and then the movie just cuts off pretty much abruptly after the escape the death star on the falcon. idk...who's decision it was to do this. but its a real bad one imo. i mean, maybe if youve never read the book or seen lynch's film it wont hit you hard and you can accept how it just ends show episode tune in next week type of way. but i am mind fucked they did this. cuz it feels fucked up that they release a movie thats 2 hours 23 minutes and its half the story half the book with no even part 1 in the title or anything. or even mentioning it in the trailers or pre interviews. all this time. for YEARS we were all led to believe that this was the dune story. the complete full book. front to back. and for the movie to just end. with them leaving the rocks meeting stilgar and him accepting paul and his mom into his tribe. is just straight up mindfuckery imo. idk how to feel or think. i feel sorta cheated man. like. if you expect people to not feel cheated out of half a movie. yet full price ticket you gotta. i mean gotta give em a heads up way in advance that its the first half of the book man. i know i aint crazy for feeling this way. if you ask me rate it from 1 to 10. cant. its half the book man. its incomplete. it would be like me reading half the book and trying to score it. cant. sooo idk what i experienced. lastly, that said, i refuse to believe warner bros spent that much money, and trust me the spent money, lots of it cuz you can see it and then only shoot half of the book. no way. im gonna assume they already shot the whole entire movie and just decided to split the movie into two parter cuz how much film footage they ended up with and decided not to cut it down editing it down to fit 3 hours. im guessing. cuz i cant imagine that this decision of shooting half the book and spending that much money was predetermined. if they did from day one decide to just shoot half the book and hope for the best then either denis the director or someone at warner bros is nutso. i doubt they would do that. thats too bonkers to do. was dune 2021 a bad movie? no. i enjoyed it. was it as good as dune dune 84? um. idk cuz again, half the book so cant tell you. but it going past 2 hours to get half way of the prob not its close to as good. from what i saw. way better than lynch's dune? hell no. i appreciate lynch's movie ALOT more. just for the fact he managed to give us the whole book give or take for pretty much the same amount of minutes as this new one. i appreciate lynch's movie condensing the book where it fit 1 movie, alot more. i feel denis. and what he was trying to do in give us the story in a less rushed less compacted way but dude. its sorta needlessly long. i never really felt bored or that the story was that slow paced. cuz i felt the world building alot. i felt it. i felt myself in that dune universe. but who cares its half the story. then just...credits. uh. was dune 2021 as good as blade runner 2049? hell fuck no. BR 2049 was a fuckin masterpiece home run. this aint a home run. hell no. lastly the reviewers calling this a masterpiece is more them jerkin off the nerds telling them what they wanna hear i think. i think most reviewers are just stroking the nerds cuz of fear of nerd rage. cuz they know nerds rage out more than any other group when it comes to going against what their expectations are aka the last jedi reaction when ryan gave everybody shit they werent expecting. nerds expected a masterpiece but i wouldnt call this movie a masterpiece. its good but not great. tbh it just makes me wanna see the lynch movie again and appreciate how he fit the full story into under 3 hours. i still recommend you guys see it. its good. just dont expect satisfaction. its half a meal. you gonna leave hungry no doubt. p.s. the dopest shit in the movie...dragonfly helicopters. those shits was fire.
  10. dune movie came out and i had no idea the movie is actually a "part 1" of a 2 movie thing with no 2nd part made or shot yet. which i think is nuts cuz if it bombs theres no part 2 and that means it just ends in the middle of the story. its like wtf man. smh.
  11. a dynasty warriors style power rangers game would be dope af. that is a good idea mill
  12. so dave chapelle said during his latest netflix special that it was his last special contractually. do you guys think he will resign for a few more? cuz i hope he does. i just plain want more.
  13. after 2 years, i decided to reinstall dmc5 and replay. damn thats a amazing game. was playing bloody palace with v. still love watching his execution animations. also, cant believe that game still have peeps playing it cuz i still see folks in stages with me in co op stages. still super stylish.
  14. its like video game developers were allowed to design clothes. i cant help but assign final boss names to each girl that passes and inserting them into their respective game. "razzbeth" goes to cyberpunk 2077, "hellzinka" to the witcher, etc lol
  15. removing rust from car parts with a laser. dont bother hoping to buy it. it costs like half a million bucks. but cool to watch tho.
  16. the worst thing that fox news isnt the sexism. its that they keep turning comments sectons off in their vids. its why they suck. but that vid is hilariously inappropriate. smh
  18. tried thc-O. its...its weed. with lag. took it hours ago. and now its when im feeling it most. very delayed high.
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