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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. i recently upgraded my net speed from 300mbps dl to 1 gig. and im sorta regretting since i dont really truly need 1 gig download speed...and im not sure i wanna pay 40 extra bucks a month for something i dont really need since 300 download is fast enuff. now i regret the impulsive upgrade. cuz its not like i play alotta fighting games to need net that fast i just play dbfz and thats it. hmmm i was thinking of calling my provider to cancel it..but the new modem and router are in the mail already. so i havent really tried it. any of yall have 1 gig speed? how is it? is it worth it? or just unnecessary?
  2. how is this nigga not copyright infringement? he is clearly dante. he is doing all of dante's gunslinger moves. he's doing rainstorm, honeycomb and twosome time. like wtf. its a actuall copy paste of his special moves man. it would be funny if capcom would put out a cease and desist on dnf duel over infringement lol
  3. the only time i've ever been able to enjoy a tolkien when its told by someone that is not tolkien.
  4. also, i hate the lord of the rings. i've hated it since i was a child. long before the peter jackson films ever existed. only thing worse is the hobbit. which also stinks. i found tolkien's stories incredibly boring af. i remember telling friends back in the early 90s how tolkien's lotr was incredibly popular in the english speaking world, and that hollywood is gonna eventually make movies about it. due to its massive fan base. and i also remember telling same said friends not to bother watching em cuz his stories are dull, slow paced and boring. cuz they are. tolkien is the only person i know that can take nordic mythology which is so fun and somehow make it a boring snoozefest.
  5. she was his aunt. i'll agree final season wouldve fared better with 3 extra eps making it a full 10 ep season. agreed. but i disagree about lazy writing. it was fine. if Knots Landing soap opera had a baby with Dungeons & Dragons, thats pretty much GOT. its a soap opera with magic. its not hamlet. we all watched to see the gossipy intrigue part. the high production value of the fantasy world was just the cherry on top of that decadent dessert. the writing was fine for final season, imo dani as in dragon queen? imo, she didnt turn overnight. maybe cuz i binge watched it but she was never really "good" to begin with. 1st she just lets her bro get murdered. not even cuz she got threatened. but cuz she started seeing herself as the chosen one which meant her bro is in the way. as for her liberating slaves. imo, she seemed more like any politician telling the people what they wanna hear, to get what she the places she liberated slaves had slaves far outnumber their masters. she gave me the vibe like if she walked into a city with only a few slaves. she wouldnt care about liberating them at all. cuz she knew if she liberated the slaves when the slaves far outnumber the masters. she wins the city by winning the majority of the masses. it, her "goodness" for liberating slaves was just a strategic political ploy. nothing more. thats how i saw her motives and actions. as for 3rd eye crip boy. half way thru the show i just thought to myself. 3 characters are hella op. 1) dragon queen cuz 3 dragons. A tier 2) arya stark aka kunoichi with serious camo ninjitsu. A+ tier. 3)3rd eye crow crip S+ tier. cuz he can control minds and bodies. and see thru any creature's eyes. plus see the past memories. pfft. he can literally mind control the dragons bro. the dragon queen never had a chance. no one can beat him. so yea im not shocked he became king. as for the midget nominating him. i just thought his ass was trying to name anyone since he couldnt name jon snow due to snow being in he hockey penalty box. but everyone by that time knew crip boy was strong due to super powers of sight. tho. no one in that group knew he could control minds since the few that knew his mind control powers were dead.
  6. so i just watched the game of thrones tv show. 1st time. binge watched it for 2 weeks. my thoughts. i had no problem with last season. but seeing reviews for each season. everyone shits on final season. after seeing final season. i had no problem with the final season. so i dont get the hate for the final season. um. i think theres 2 big reason for the hate of the final season. 1) two of the final season eps had almost no dialogue. but were dedicated to war depictions. the show's strength, imo, is the backstabbing, political intrigue, and behind closed doors dealings, that gives everyone a hard on. and having 2 episodes not having any of that, but having just war on display. i think alotta peeps found that boring. which i get.
  7. bleach anime coming back and wrapping up the story was our xmas gift come early. thanks God. ... and Santa.
  8. iron out. im gonna assume that was an intentional pun. cuz if it wasnt.
  9. i had heard from older folks, how jimmy carter was, too smart to be president. now i understand why.
  10. i just finished playing DMC5 on amzon's luna stream service. perfect. in every way. 1 single negative is there's no multiplayer at all. game doesnt seem to record your play to then show it off later to other folks playthough. but i expected that since blazblue has no online. still great tho. biggest difference between pc/console and the stream is. the load times on luna is blazing fast. like stupid fast.
  11. i was looking thru the best most iconic movie posters ever made when i came across this website mentioning banned movie posters. its really interesting. that cum made title was pretty daring. larry flynt crucified and seth rogan one was dope too. also i need to watch Teeth now.
  12. im mad at all you assholes for not mentioning anything about the video game awards being on. smh. this shit fucked me up. the ps4 arena fighting game finally being ported to pc/switch. which imo, is sorta too late. but better late than ever. even if the game is sorta dated. but my head really got mindfucked when i found david cage is doing a star wars game. will ellen page lookalike find itself in..nahhh. lol. will the villains all be portrayed as fat and obese? answer. yes. btw i just found out ellen page got a sex change. had no idea till now. i personally loved detroit become human. but alotta peeps HAAATE david cage. but im not one of em.
  13. remember when goku told gohan in the time chamber, that rest was just as important as training?
  14. tbh, og bebop is sorta overrated imo. i think its as popular with peeps as it is more cuz nostalgia for their notion of an "adult" anime vs kiddie anime. pre internet era. its alotta people's 1st geared towards adult anime. other peep's 1st adult anime is rurouni kenshin. as for me, i cant remember my 1st adult anime. but wasnt either of those two. but i think bebop is overrated. when it comes to..anime we've watched specifically cable before we had the net. i'd rather see another cable tv anime show wolf's rain than bebop any day of the week. if we gonna think about all the cable tv anime shows we've seen. like full metal alchemist etc etc. revisting bebop. i dont remember much. story was meh. but it did have the best intro op song ever.
  15. all of the best godzilla movies are up on youtube's official movie account. dope af
  16. all i really need is snk putting up kofxi on steam with good rollback netcode and im good.
  17. does he hate assist based fighters? tag team fg? i guess he aint gonna like project L then. im pretty hyped about L's release. that ggpo rollback netcode is gonna be divine. edit: i've always sorta wished snk had gone done further side games where they did assist/tag fighters. kof 11's tags to continu combos was sorta lit. heres my excuse to post kof xi tag combos.
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