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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. i just noticed the shoryuken forums got reopened. like a week ago. geese pants is still there modding a ghost town.
  2. btw. did yall know sickle cell anemia is a mutation to resist malaria? a bug forced a portion of mankind to evolve in a distinct way. for survival.
  3. im thinkin about picking up melty again, even tho i dropped it since actress again, cuz of this new shielding mechanic that looks fun. reminds me of 3rd strike parries.
  4. the entire time i kept thinking of minority report and if its possible to frame someone using planted dna.
  5. i discovered this catchy kick ass song randomly. its by a completely unknown but dope band. awesome song. enjoy.
  6. i usually watch something specific if i feel the need to sleep. for ex if i watch blue thunder, the movie. its like nyquil for me. or 1st season of og pokemon knocks me out too. lastly theres always cbd bro. try cbd with watching something you know will k.o. you
  7. who that at the end of bayo's trailer tho? vergil?
  8. i didnt know till now apple had its own streaming channel like disney+ appletv+
  9. i found out today. dude's mom is an ex district attorney and his brother is or was a cop. now they cant find him. guess why. guess why he managed to get away. edit: also, if this country/planet didnt have this weird double standard of "vagina=innocent penis=guilty...the cops wouldve idk arrested her for hitting him. and she would be alive right now. albeit in jail. but alive. but since she hit him, not the other way around. well, heyyyyy. no wrongdoing cuz vagina equals innocent. now shes dead. i wonder if he will try to pull the old "i did it cuz of mental physical abuse over time drove me to murder" excuse. hmm. nah, he knows that aint gonna work in feminist america. nigga better run cuz that excuse that would 100% work if she killed him. and i call america..feminist cuz its always been feminist. according to voices from the past. you dont really think about how. western culture is all about "society serves the female" while in the east its the reverse. but you dont really see that in the east to a great extent unless you look at the muslim nations.
  10. why am i finding out about Star Wars Visions now? a star wars anime. yes please.
  11. they found that missing girls body. bet u...the govt found it by gps tracking her last cell phone transmissions. no one gets LOST in this cell phone google maps age. except the people from the tv show. edit: plus bloodhounds. those are necessary no matter how good gps is. thanks doggies. 2nd edit: at least the dogs in govt are competent. more than i can say for washington.
  12. memes being a form of punishment of hell is something i never really contemplated before.
  13. the dopest thing about the extinct windows phones was the tile based ui. which i thought was better than android or ios. but the windows phone app store was a barren ghost town of development. which killed their phones business.
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