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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. i hate reddit. for various reasons. but one annoying thing is the bots that correct your speech. i once wrote water is wet fire is hot and a mod bot kicked in and "corrected" my speech by posting that water isnt actually wet and then scientifically explained why which made me wanna kick my pc for someone daring to program a bot that hates context.
  2. you made me remember one of my fav xmen...Forge. remember Forge? the dude that could make anyhting technological. can u imagine having that power? apple would kidnap Forge have him working for them in some underground lab like the meth dealers kidnapped jesse in el camino. im serious.
  3. listen to the song. no. i said, the whole song. till the very end. prepare to get mind fucked.
  4. when he opened that 70 year old tea ...i was like dude dont, that looks like fungus.
  5. they wont land cuz they know we are too down for a jack move. we killed God 2, 000 years ago. thats a rep you'll never live down in the galaxy. word spread. how no, when we advertise it on our gold chains. they wont land. not even for directions or gas. they know better. planet earth is the ghetto of the galaxy. its why star wars is huge. tatooine is relatable cuz its the ghetto of luke's galaxy. we know the ghetto. we live there.
  6. isnt muscle made up of protein? men need protein then. women need fat, cuz those curves tho. necessary too. also i saw ep 1 of star wars visions. damn that..thats the best.
  7. my own phone is the galaxy s10e. only thing i can say about it is i love its small size. i hate large phones and i hate how every recent phone has camera bumps when i just wanna lay my phone down flat without it wobbling. one thing i recently discovered was while listening to music on my headphones i discovered the phone can give you a hearing test to best pump out sound in accordance to your hearing. but i got depressed when i soon realized 75% o the barely audible beeps of the hearing test..i couldnt hear. im freaking deaf. getting old sucks. when i was young i could play music max volume for an hour on my walkman. no discomfort. now no way. if i max volume my ears hurt in less than 15 minutes.
  8. brownlee mentioned the pixel 6's voice keyboard was amazing in his review.
  9. oh i see how math is racist. 1 2 3 4 5 clearly, 5 is the wrong answer. for obvious reasons.
  10. has there ever been a "behind the scenes" documentary about vince mcmahon and the wwf/e btw? just curious. cuz today i was thinking about the late great davey boy smith. and how charismatic he was like the iron sheik and rc flair. then i started thinking about the time golddust knocked out vince, and bret hart knocked out vince...and how they just kept working with each other. and how wrestling is such a strange unique business where you can k.o. the boss and somehow not get get fired. not to mention the patrice o neal stories of vince. vince doesnt realize just how interesting he is and how interesting the wrestlers personalities are. a docu of behind the scenes would be huuuuuuuuuuuuge. just massive hit. vince doesnt realize how big a behind the scenes docu would be. not to mention a docu with a collection of wild stories from the past would be.
  11. if you havent seen the movie about mcdonalds i highly recommend you do. its mind blowing tbh. i was never able to walk into another mickeyDs without thinking of ray kroc from that point on. ray kroc was um. hmm, not the nicest dude, lets just say
  12. inuyasha was dope. perfect blend of humor and action. yunno. just. like. never mind. you wont accept you didnt give Inuyasha the chance you shouldve. you missed out. tho i'll admit it was slower paced than the usual shonen. but still perfect blend of great humor n action/drama. yuyu hakusho was also a perfect mix of humor and action. thats also a great show/manga.
  13. inuyasha's sword can "copy" any other weapon's abilities. aka clone its powers. sounds like dante dont it? sesshomaru's sword can resurrect but it can also "cut" open a portal to the demon realm. cough cough
  14. yo. i was reading up on Sparda from DMC lore. and omg i just realized capcom ripped off the lore of Inuyasha. demon father who's a bad ass. thats dead. leaves his two sons two magic swords with opposite powers. in inuyasha lore. one sword, inuyasha's, kills everything. other sword owned by sesshomaru resurrects. in dmc one sword absorbs, dante's rebellion, vergil's katana sword separates. and guess what these two brothers do? you guessed it. fight. constantly. aint that some shit. well at least they bit a great manga/anime.
  15. my fav gaming channel, action button, finally came out with a new vid. and the wait was worth it.
  16. i literally didnt even realize till just now you sfv lounge assholes made it all over here. wow. since im never in this fg section of these forums. even feng with his ole water bottle thirsty posts. and twin. good to see ya.
  17. as bad as gold chain hair might be. nothing beats riffraff fucking up his teeth to give himself shark mouth. that shit looked like it hurt. btw. fav riffraff song.
  18. i threw my bamboo socks in along with my wool socks they cam out fine. i didnt machine dry tho. i air dried but no problem at least for socks. it should be fine. edit just remember wool and bamboo dont retain water. like linen or cotton that holds it forever. so if your duvet is filled inside with bamboo material shouldnt machine dry it as long as cotton.
  19. btw. i bought myself bamboo socks. socks made of bamboo. reason. i heard they stay dry, like wool socks. they evaporate moisture like wool does. unlike cotton that retains moisture. and bamboo socks do stay dry and your feet are dry and warm. perfect. i will never understand why cotton socks exist and are popular in stores. they suck. bamboo socks and t shirts are very popular in southeast asia. but in north america. nope. considering how many cotton farms there are in the usa i understand why everything is cotton here. but its really a shitty fabric in the summer. your t shirts and socks stay wet after you sweat. bamboo doesnt. im probably gonna buy some bamboo t shirts next summer. to feel dry instead of swampy arm pits
  20. all this talk about fracking. brings to mind the cursing in battlestar galactica or frack is a,a profanity in science fiction. shut the frack up already with all this oil talk
  21. so theres no way of embedding a instagram post here? i know it was possible here. cant figure out how now.
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