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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. yea i know dbfz isnt their in house ip. but its their flagship lets be honest. guilty gear sells like shit. so does everything else they do. dbfz is huge. huge. in sales. in player base. its arcsys's biggest game by a landslide.
  2. he prob means how strong superdash is. and how it negates the footsie game. cuz superdash is def too strong. its so strong it stuff even ex special moves even when hitboxes say it shouldnt. dbfz revolves around a rock paper scissors game of three things 1. SD aka superdash 2. 2H which is not only the game's best universal anti-air but also its universal launcher. 3. 6M aka overhead. SD beats everything in the game EXCEPT 2H 2H beats everything except 6M overhead 6M beats 2H clean but loses to everything else. you now understand the basic meta of dbfz dbfz is def not a classic traditional snk/capcom old school fighter. footsies are....tbh non existent. why footsie when superdash ftw. everyone superdashes not just beginners. EVERYONE. including top tourny players. when they make dbfz 2 i hope they dont give soo much priority to superdash next iteration.
  3. i have a love/hate relationship with DBFZ one side..its the most fun fighter since mvc2. with most of the fun on finding discovering new team synergy and combos. plus a huge community. the game sold more than 6 million units. other all arcsys games. its badly balanced. so all you see online is the same damn 6 characters over n over n over again by EVERYONE online since everyone is a tier whore thats terrified of losing. after putting in 2k hours. i got soo bored with the game. bored with everyone using variations of just 6 or 7 characters. and NEVER touching the lower tier characters. i uninstalled and dropped it recently. i get arcsys is loved by alotta people. for making pretty fighters. which they do better than anyone else but who cares when they have shitty balance. if the balance was accidental i could understand but they intentionally release hella broken characters on purpose. which they refuse to fix/nerf in later updates. they love broken tiers. since dbfz is their flagship game now. cuz it is. im sure dbfz2 is in the works. prob developing it right now. or soon. and im sure everyone will buy it but. sighhh. i dont wanna get mixed up again in anymore arcsys games tbh. if only thyed balance it right. where the disparity between tiers wasnt so bad. but they just hate balance over there. they refuse. dbfz 2. with 50 character roster! but you'll only see 5 characters over n over n over. online. rocked. by everyone. enjoy. its the same shit as mvc2. except worse cuz mvc2 existed pre-patch. so capcom had an excuse for the broken af tier difference. but this dbfz is a post net game with constant patches that fixes nothing. like ever. ughhh anyway mini rant over.
  4. didnt know bob odenkirk did a action movie. it was pretty badass. like john wick..but without the puppy.
  5. all these years i assumed dunkey the game reviewer was black. only today i discover he is white.
  6. btw, heads up, crippled avengers and the kid with the golden arm are free on amazon prime right now. damn those movies are so good. also, love the music in crippled avengers along with everything else.
  7. just finished watching Arcane. that..was the best. like home run slam dunk. need season 2 now.
  8. damn Arcane LoL is good. plus its pretty af. its like watching one of those illustrator art books. but animated.
  9. which upcoming fighting game are you guys more hyped for? Project L? or DNF Duel? i personally am hyped for Project L. i think that game will be rock solid in every way. balance, netcode, character roster. i think that game will exceed expectations. i have no hope for DNF Duel cuz arcsys hates balance which is why im not interested in that game. no thanks to watching everyone tier whore a few characters and the game becoming boring quickly.
  10. to answer my own question, since i figured out who it was. it was laoshu. anybody og srk'ers remember him when he was trying to teach us knuckleheads chinese? it was way back in the day tho. i remembered he was black. but idk why i remembered him with glasses and dreadlocks. maybe he wore dreads 10+ years ago. maybe my memory is confusing him with another dude. idk. whichever way. this guy was a srk'er back in the day. sad thing is he died last year. rip bro.
  11. im really hungry right now for some tater tots, plus breaded pollock fillets. and ketchup. lots of it.
  12. who was that srk'er that was black, had glasses and dread locks that could speak 40 languages and made youtube vids teaching languages? anybody remember him?
  13. i just found out the girl that played Chloe on a convicted felon and sex trafficker. dude. wtf from the wiki Allison Christin Mack (born July 29, 1982) is an American actress and convicted felon. She played Chloe Sullivan on the superhero series Smallville (2001–2011) and had a recurring role on the comedy series Wilfred (2012; 2014). Mack was a member of NXIVM, a sex cult posing as a multilevel marketing company. In 2018, she was arrested on charges of sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and forced labor conspiracy in relation to NXIVM activities. She pleaded guilty to racketeering charges and was sentenced to three years in prison in 2021
  14. idk whats worse. the fact he doesnt know how to make a simple grilled cheese sandwich. or the fact he fooled everyone into believing he knew wtf he was doing in a kitchen. smh p.s. the youtube comments are hilarious.
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