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Everything posted by J-ride

  1. I don't care if adults don't wear their seat belts but I don't think parents should risk their kids' lives. If adults want to break their necks on an airbag that's their choice to make.
  2. If we aren't going to deny fat fucks health care coverage I don't see why people who don't wear helmets should be treated any differently.
  3. In general I don't support helmet laws. If people want to risk death that's their choice.
  4. Krugman is a doofus and has been one forever. He's really consistently wrong and is mostly just a cheerleader for bad economic policy.
  5. Honestly I played the campaign co-op with a buddy and had a blast. The update that let you play as Duke Nukem was awesome. 👌
  6. Yeah I had a coworker who was about her size constantly talking about her diet and exercise. She would give everyone advice on losing weight. It was silly because everyone seemed to avoid the elephant in the room 🙃
  7. IMO the preaching alpha male shit then trying to pay for poon is ridiculous and he should have been called out for it. A+P seem like genuine good dudes in comparison. I don't care that much about E-drama in general but if you are gonna ask for smoke then you better fucking back it up. Edit: Generally the most "alpha" guys I know are in prison, so I'm not sure if it's really the best way to live...
  8. Fresh and Fit started hella shit with Abba and Preach but wouldn't back it up when they offered to box over it. I don't respect that at all, they are 100% bitchmade.
  9. Yeah I got questions and want to know why showering is not an option.
  11. It's kind of ridiculous how you much effort it takes to stop people from being pieces of shit these days. This man is doing God's work!
  12. I remember getting most of the line on clearance back in the day with gift certificates. I was one of the only kids that had it and it was pretty awesome. The only thing I didn't have was the huge Hive playset which I never got a chance to get. They were really awesome toys and huge for the time, towering above my He-man figures.
  13. A lot of women do, which is why I find it to be one of the easiest ways to troll them. It's fun being a guy who has been married for over a decade and gives zero shits about being friends with women. I tell them the truth to their face and they pretty much hate me for it.
  14. When women ask me my sign I tell them the wrong one, they tell me they knew that was my sign then after they rant on about that bullshit for several minutes I tell them I'm actually a different sign. They get real fucking mad about it usually.....
  15. It's hilarious how nearly everything harkens back to DA NAZIS. You must do as you are told or you are THE EMBODIMENT OF EVIL!!! MUH HUWHITE SUPREME PIZZA, RREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Really activates the almonds...
  16. Hey at least Candace Owens married a dude worth over 100mill! #HatersGonnaHate
  17. Driver launches off tow truck ramp, caught on tape...I bet that guy in-front of the truck shit his pants! Edit: The driver was a FLORIDA WOMAN!
  18. Yeah but to me this just seems to be bad directorial choices to make the dialogue that quiet. I'm not a hearing impaired person, I didn't spend a bunch of time at rock shows, I should be able to hear regular speaking dialogue in movies and can do so in older films. I have a setting in my surround sound that amplifies low speaking voices which does help but it's still silly AF that has to be an option because of modern movies.
  19. I love the firm speaking style of older movies. I hate that action scenes in modern movies can have the hero practically whispering his lines to such a degree that I have to turn the volume up and down. I watched Ben Hurr with Charleton Heston over the weekend and I was able to clearly hear every single line that was spoken.
  20. I don't really care much about transgenders per se, but the way that it's basically become an all encompassing mind virus that you can't escape is really strange to me. I've already had my daughter have issues at her school with a supposed "transgender" boy who is only 5 years old. That's fucking insane and there is no way the parents' aren't pushing that on the kid.
  21. Pronouns probably sound silly if your entire language is gendered.
  22. Prince Philip is hands down the best Disney Prince. He did a Dark Souls speedrun to save his Princess and Kingdom. He didn't even complain about it because he was all about dispensing the Sword of Truth's justice like an absolute Chad. Evil fucked around and Evil found out!
  23. Cinderella is also high tier if not top. Ariel is absolute dog shit for sure though.
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