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Everything posted by Crucades

  1. Thats some terrible shit. In other terrible news its like 30 degrees here in Motherwell, which converted to savagery is around 86F, am not built for this nonsense.
  2. This is why you give some guys a pass for beating women. I dunno her intended effect but damn that was annoying.
  3. As wild as that was it was also pretty god damn impressive, all of that in 45 mins haha
  4. Jesus christ... Hes gonna find out more about rape if he ends up doing real time in a Brazilian max prison.
  5. Holy shit that is gold. Buy it and sell it to the UK market for 80k, should cover the transport costs. ATM there is a crazy demand for camper vans and shit. People are paying like 90k for Transit conversions lol.
  6. Opinionated slob racist assholes vs erm... opinionated slob racist assholes 🤔
  7. Gonna be trash I think, Kevin Smith hasnt produced anything good since the 90s.
  8. Holy shit guys 😂 if Stormtroopers could aim This is crazy haha and probably how it should have went down.
  9. Edge of Tomorrow was mad hype and I felt it got as much love in the mainstream as a movie can get being helmed by a dangerous cultist.
  10. Good shout, best scene in that movie was when the Punisher and the 'never could quite make it' Hispanic bust in and fuck his powers up. Vegan Police bitch!
  11. Cejudo would make him famous. And absolutely wreck him lol.
  12. Silver Age Superman was ridiculous, there was no upper cap to his abilities. He could tap planets out of their solar systems with his penis.
  13. Scottish Gas just billed me £170 this month, somebody is gonna get fucked up...
  14. Lawler was showing some slick boxing before he got caught, like damn in his golden era I dont think that fight would have lasted 45 seconds but we are all human at the end of the day. Strictland getting getting clapped was pretty awesome, nothing against him that was just one sweet left hook by Peireia. Holloway looking like he will need to give up soon too, that was a hard watch which brings me to the Adesanya fight which imo was boring as hell.
  15. Within Temptation did the best cover. I remember somebody said it was the shitty Placebo version and the dude got shot. Million just trying to flex his blackness by saying he never heard of Kate Bush, that shit is impossible.
  16. Jackson easily, a global megastar. Jordan was famous outside of the states for a brand of Nike trainer, like you cant go from a mainstream thing like music and compare it against a sport very little people give a shit about heh.
  17. please hook a brother up when you find one 👍
  18. God fucking damnit Million. That lays the cringe pretty thick, lets not even speak about that fat thing on the right involved in a 'fresh and fit' group. The fuck is she thinking? I gotta admit I watched past your time stamp and it just made me more and more angry lol, like these people surely arent real life? And the guy she phones up dear god. Thats some heavy heart bleeding bullshit he is on. This is the true face of the world for a lot of people. These toxic and unrealistic kinds of relationships exist and this only proves Bill Burr more right the more I see this kinda shit, the sad true fact that 89% of the worlds population has to go. 🤔
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