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Everything posted by Chadouken

  1. You know what, it just occurred to me. Maybe those people who nail Jesus to their walls are just trying to send a message to any Jesus lovers who come to their house. Anyway, I just found a crucifix on Amazon and I posted a question asking if I would go to hell for nailing it to the wall. I'll keep y'all posted if I get a response.
  2. Sometimes I'll go into someone's house and there will be a figure, nailed to the wall, of Jesus, nailed to a cross. Like, that just seems a little fucked up to me. Kinda overkill, don't you think?
  3. I beat Spider-Man 2. Looking to start Jedi Survivor or Dadnarok DLC. Has anyone played Jedi recently? I'm wondering how the performance is now.
  4. The director of SF6 is not racist for excluding Balrog. He's just an asshole for it 😀 I say that because Balrog is my favorite character and I'm still mad about it.
  5. My favorite game last year is SMB Wonder. But I also liked BG3 and Spiderman 2. Still haven't gotten into TotK or Jedi Survivor yet, but I plan to. Eventually.
  6. For real. And I don't need a damn snail trail on the weight bench. Not trying to get the clapπŸ˜‚
  7. I still haven't seen Bumblebee. It's worth watching? I liked the first Transformers, and watched them all up until the one with Wahlberg. After that I was done lol. The first three were fun though.
  8. Anybody else having black eyed peas today? I'm fixing up some hoppin' John and biscuits 🀀
  9. About to watch the new Chappelle special to bring in the new year. Cheers, y'all!
  10. Xbox logo looks like sourdough bread. I think it's because the guy who created Xbox baked some sourdough bread that was from 4500 year old yeast.
  11. He's also a rapist. I'll take comfort knowing I can look my daughter in the eyes and tell her I never supported that man.
  12. Merry Christmas, fuckers! Hope everyone gets some cool videogames this year!
  13. I watched a video of a libtard trying to have a gotcha moment with a Trump supporter about Hunter Biden's gun charges, and how hypocritical Trump supporters are because they're pro 2A and shit. Motherfucker. Crackheads can't legally own firearms. It was so fucking cringe watching this pussy ass try to talk down to others, while being a complete fucking idiot with his stupid purple hair.
  14. My kiddo likes Rudolph this year! Last year, the "Bombidal Snowman" scared her too much.
  15. See, this right here, this is EXACTLY why I could never be a pilot.
  16. If that's how you see it, you're entitled to your beliefs. But I wholeheartedly disagree, and I'm fine with leaving it at that.
  17. And again in 2012 when Gorsuch (current justice on the SCOTUS) kicked Abdul Hassan off the ballot because he was constitutionally ineligible to run for President. Colorado Supreme Court cited this in their own judgment. Gorsuch was appointed by Trump.
  18. If you're getting pancreatitis, it's time to put the plug in the jug, man. I believe in you. If I can do it, anyone can.
  19. If the SCOTUS rules that he should remain on the ballot, it is ignoring the plain text of the Constitution, and is in fact placing Trump above the Constitution. And if that happens, he will have become a dictator, uninhibited by our laws. He'll be unchecked by either of the other branches. Congress already let him off the hook when they failed to convict him, and now the Supreme Court may be about to take on an existential threat to its own existence.
  20. This was the first time a sitting president incited an insurrection. That may not mean much to you, but I watched it happen in real time, and followed everything that led up to it. I took the same oath to protect the Constitution that Trump did, and I take it seriously. He forfeited his right to hold office. If you don't see it that way, that's on you. But that's not the way I see it at all. I fucking witnessed that shit, and I'm glad the courts are at least trying to do something about it. I don't want to live under a dictatorship, and that's exactly why the 14th Amendment exists in the first place.
  21. Why the fuck should someone who takes a shit on the Constition be allowed to hold any office again, when it explicitly says you can't in the Constitution? But watch, SCOTUS will definitely reverse it, which will set the precedent that if any President doesn't like the results of the election, they're allowed to throw a temper tantrum and take a shit on the Constitution. And going by who these Justices are and who appointed them, I fully expect that to be the outcome of this. The irony is that if that's the way it goes, the Judicial Branch just gave up any checks and balance powers it thought it had over the President.
  22. Love Cannibal πŸ˜‚ My favorite part is when they run into the Native Americans and they're all Japanese. I got to see Book of Mormon performed in Boise, where there is a sizeable Mormon population. A bunch of them were in the audience, and they were laughing their asses off. It was great!
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