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Everything posted by GreatDarkHero

  1. No. It's just my usual response for that sort of thing. ... For the last few years between SRK and even here. It is usually a variation of that same line.
  2. Fought a decent Chunner and another Bison online. I think I'll update a previous Rose presentation video and just make that video an hour long, but only the ranked matches. Couldn't keep all the records of the Player matches because of my last channel getting hit by the Psycho Drive. The follow video will be pure KOF98UM:FE and most of the crucial match KOFXV (Krohnen, Mary, and Terry). ... Did I mention that Terry is god damn truck in the latter game...? Ryo still apparently ends people's FGC careers when on anchor, which is exactly what people should want when they play one of the original protagonists. All these fighting games.
  3. Happy Holidays... The Gods of Street Fighter. Warriors.
  4. Welcome to Mai Space. Now, in other good news... You won't have to hear dumbass puns for too much longer! I still find this excellent.
  5. Uh... I have to be completely honest with you. There is a short-story to tell: Disclaimer, there is a wall of text in the spoiler. I don't have anything against Max personally but at the same time, I don't have the patience for the nonsense he is prone to.
  7. SFxT? Damn. I used to play Jin/Ibuki back in the day... I need to look into the move lists of that game, specifically the normals of the Tekken characters.
  8. Update: I'll be getting back on a much more specific schedule in this next week. Online IT courses are back in play again. Had a bit of time to practice the metaphorical strongest woman in the world (Chun-Li) and her... more literal counterpart (Rose). Looking to test Kage now that I got some of his combos and whiff punishes down. Sagat is likely to become another candidate if I can find what he real applications are. In addition, I need to stud some high level footage of the big man. Got Metroid Dread and I am happy to say that I've gotten my money's worth (so far). I'll be looking for some games later in the following week.
  9. Look. Some of you already know what I'm all about by now. But, this is probably going to be where I actually get my ass kicked by the mods. Let's just say that Rose and Menat have a hell of a way of rising the temperature when they really want to.
  10. Uh oh.... who is Bayonetta about to step on this time?
  11. Juri: "WHERE @SkortAT?! I gotta fuck with him for a bit before I go to this tournament!"
  12. Juri: "Kicking the hell out of outta randos and seducin' this forum is fun as shit! Anyone who needs there ass kicked can step right the fuck up!"
  13. Rose's swimsuit mod is soulfully delicious. And, this might get me banned. But, Juri has a nice trophy collection to show each and everyone one of you.
  14. I just need Geese Howard and I'm be aaaaaalright. I got the waifus and my other former mains. I just need the Goose to get loose again.
  16. What @Skortsaid. To be honest, I actually like this presentation quite a bit more at that time. Chun-Li's move set seems... radically different.
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