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Everything posted by Bea_Iank

  1. Yeah, it will! Now, if only I could somehow stop getting DP or hadouken when I try to follow a stun with j. HK, cr HP, DP right after j. HK landing, that would be great. I hope the new, larger and with better parts stick will help me improve on those executions errors and stops double tap from not registering all the time.
  2. Ranked has been a bit trying. Tuesday night was PS4 wifi warriors days it seems, and yesterday I was doing well and almost got back to ultra silver with the schoolgirl... till the game gave me Birdie, yolo Ken, Birdie, laggy Guile in a row and back to silver I went. Ended the day back at super silver and I hope tonight things will be go better. cr mk into VT2 tatsu is working well enough and I just need to get better at confirming this. I need to train doing it into lp tatsu so that when I land it while in VT2, muscle memory will trigger and the VT2 party will get started. I feel that if I get back to ultra silver tonight, I may be able to reach gold on Gief Friday.
  3. Yay, scrub ultra silver reached on Gief Monday!
  4. He didn't get any of mine so far. I beat him 8 times in a row but it wasn't enough to get my Gief to level 50. 😞 But I hate Capcom for this. They are taunting us ex Gief mains with a a good Gief. 😞
  5. After the fiasco that was the tournament and yesterday's terrible ranked night, I am having an itchy to go back to Gief. But I will wait till I have my custom stick in hands to see if with a better stick that doesn't drop double taps like the hori mini will make my quality of life with Sakura improve. The amount of DPs that didn't come out to punish whiffs and to AA yesterday night is daunting.
  6. I am not good enough to claim 5th place! I am pleading the 5th amendment!
  7. Wohoo! I just registered to play SFV at the Lima Salty CPT event! Nothing like drowning in pools 2-0 in another country, far away from home!
  8. RIP Lois Lane. 😢 She was the best of them all, just like Reeve was THE real Superman and Clark Kent.
  9. Yeah, I follow him on Twitter as well and arrangements were done for the stick art already. It will be a very expensive stick all things considered, but will be so worth it!
  10. That one will be the main piece of the art on my custom stick, along with Sakura and Rose, whose artworks I posted already. I am likely getting DemonDan to compose the background and the character layout on it. It will look SOOOO good.
  11. I am a bit sad that I lost that game more to lag than to my poor Sakura skills. Watched the replays was painful as I saw all the rollback points that favoured him. At least I took a clean game from a super gold Karin on my 1st set. Next one is Lima Salty in Peru. No online this time and my Sakura ought to be much better by then.
  12. Yeah, 3 bars PS4 opponent ended my run there. I took the 1st match, but then rollback started to hit hard. On the last match I had the game rollback my cr lp combo into his CA twice. 😞 But well, I took two matches which is far more than I expected to do. Next time I will do better.
  13. Sakura is the best SFV girl. There, I said it. She is my waifu after I divorced Gief! Also, I am so not fucking ready for Latam South 1 tomorrow. I hope I won't lose all my matches by double perfect.
  14. I am never going to switch to Mika. She has huge... tracts of land!
  15. I am a scrub super silver Sakura main now. 😄
  16. I am so not ready for the tournament this Saturday. And then some crazy lass that is helping organize it posts about it on twitter and tag my sorry silver SFV ass along grand masters, masters and diamond players, ffs.
  17. I... huh... excuse me while I back away from this all very slowly.
  18. Man, that costume freaking sucks. Yet, it is GnG... I will have to do that mission. Bah!
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