Stage Select


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Everything posted by mykka

  1. Damn people really are outraged about Juri's boobs! :D
  2. I dont think we'll get a trailer cause they already announced what we're getting in early April.
  3. I just dont respect the fact that he decided to do that on the cesspool that is Kappa. Its like he knows that they'd be the perfect platform
  4. damn Mike Ross. Capcom and SFV can't catch a break haha
  5. Leona, Shermie and Chizuru have always been my holy trinity of KOF women
  6. I've heard opposite things from T7, apparently great on PC, but terrible on PS4
  7. I'll wait for Falke but if she does little for me I might dive into Alpha 3 once again, my favorite SF game.
  8. Starting to get a bit frustrated with the game. Not sure I want SFV to go beyond season 3 tbh.
  9. On SF_Community twitter. There's a post on it too
  10. She'll come in April for sure, technically these costumes and stage should be part of the "March" package.
  11. if Infiltration win, we know Menat is getting the nerf hammer
  12. I've been thinking, if we really get 1 character per month, then by June we'll have all season 3 characters. Maybe those 4 extra characters and new story mode really are coming this year.
  13. I think the story will focus more on the characters from season 2 and perhaps season 3. Ed/Falke/Neo Shadaloo should be the main protagonists.
  14. Now that you're here we need ChunLi_Forever back to balance the waifu power
  15. Just noticed that all the character threads are mumbled up together at SRK1... what a mess
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