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Everything posted by TWINBLADES

  1. The character release schedule isn't really that hard to grasp. Initially Capcom was mum's the word on the release schedule and then Capcom US went ahead and said they'd be releasing a new character every month. I still don't know if that was a trans error or if Capcom just jumped the gun to ease the sting of the launch but they came under fire for basically BS'ing their info. I believe that a character every other month was always the plan but because so many QOL things needed to be addressed Capcom took and L and prioritized in game buffs rather than shitting out characters to appease the "I'm bored of SFV whens Sagat" crowd. In S1 we got Alex a month later and free because the in game currency (Zenny) system wasn't complete. That ultimately crashed and failed which pushed Guile into the free 2 play zone till Capcom cut their losses. Ibuki got pushed back for a month and then was released at the same time as Rog. And while Juri and Urien fell back on track we got to play early builds of the characters in ASF. And of course the hackermen got to play them for a few months before they dropped. Also we can't forget that S2 started in December of 2016 and we got 7 characters in one year. Kolin came out on time but Ed was pushed back so Capcom could make their new and improved CFN system. Although we did get to beta test Ed which was pretty cool. Then we ended up going back on schedule with everyone's fave character Ungagail. That being said Zeku was over hyped and ended S3 on a whimper. Fast forward and we got Sak the same day AE came out but she dropped late because technically if Capcom hadn't done a big expansion she would have most likely been released in December like Akuma. Then to make up for that Blanka Chan was released right after her instead of being pushed back which I'm fucking thankful for. So now we are back on track again. And baring any weird CFN, in game shop, currency or beta wigahmahwooo Falke should be this month. The biggest issue is that Capcom's PR is fucking asstastic and while they've gotten better at keeping the player base informed they still do things haphazardly. I'm pretty sure if this was NRS they'ed have already teased her potential inclusion in the game last week on Twitter. While I think the 17th will probably be the day she'll get announced or teased I wouldn't put it past Capcom to reveal her on 4/31/18 11:59 APM because fuck you we Capcom. Anyways when's Sagat?
  2. E-League doesn’t have anything to do with Capcom’s schedule. Same with the TV show. And Ed pushed back because of the CFN revamp. We didn’t get a new character last month so I don’t know why people think they’ll skip this month.
  3. Honestly Kolin’s forward dash is the thing that keeps people from being in top 8 with her. Like it’s a double edge sword because of how hard it is to steer and this game is all about moving. Cant tell you how many times I try to do a cross under after an AA and slide to the other side of the stage. And I see pros do it with her all the time lol
  4. Heh Yeah for some reason anime is like the only foreign style of entertainment I prefer hearing in my language baring anime fighting games where that doesn’t matter to me. On the the other hand I can’t watch foreign films dubbed cuz it’s just stupid. Though I don’t even know if people still dub live action movies.
  5. Same here I’m a dub guy. I got a Funimation Now sub which is like 4.99 a month.
  6. Infiltration has been using the boob code. He says he can't win with a flat chest.
  7. League is def a factor in who you fight on a constant basis. Menat has no middle ground player pool. Most Menats sub Plat are waifu lords and most Menats above Plat are good waifu lords. If you look on CFN and select last 24 hours while searching for Menat you'll still see plenty of people that are too scared to take their Menat out of casuals/lobbies. There was this one Ultra Diamond Menat I ran into allot in S2 named Exis_And and he was fucking good. But if I took games off him he would tea bag me lmao And yeah Guile is gonna gate keep the fuck outa most players trying to move up in rank.
  8. Kolin got some nerfs but most people would call those “normalization’s”. She’s not ruined or anything but I would have taken a 3 bar VT over her Vanity eating more gauge.
  9. You actually thougt you could escape hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa
  10. @misterBee I bought the game for PS4 a while ago but it took fucking forever to get a game and on top of that the one I did get was super fucking laggy. I had also also bought the game on my phone and had allot of fun playing arcade mode (fuck grant). Rock is my man but I hear he’s booty sweat in this game. If I was playing for real I’d just teir whore and main Kevin Rian heh.
  11. @Bea_Iank loners unite! @GetTheTables yeah looking at Sako that dude is like 200 by gamer years and he would wipe us clean like he was 25 lol I kinda wanna be like Valle when it comes to fighting games. Just being an old dude that can keep up with the whipper snappers when SF8 drops. Holy fuck grandpa can I at least get one round. HEHEHEHHEEeeeeeee *wheeze* back in my day we hit the just frame FADC super cancel cross fade. Now you scrub little shits just press one button and think that's footsies! *Wheeze* give gramps a diet coke sonny......
  12. I mean like I said, I get that normal functioning humans don't have the time... or don't have the drive. Me and Idom are loners who prob work and then come home and grind. I doubt Idom has a family or anything like that. Same as me he can afford to grind like a shut in hermit. I legit like SFV and want to be better. Where that will take me as anyone's guess. So I don't fault you guys for not having over 9000!!!!!!!!!!! games. @misterBee I'll will keep this thread alive...this forum alive till it kills me. Also when we getting more stages? I'd love the rainy Alpha stage or even Forgotten Waterfall lmao
  13. I'm not a SW fan boy but I just want to say TLJ was ass on ass on top of ass. ~falls back into the shadows............
  14. As someone that's put in like 16K matches into SFV I can say with great certainty that unless you have balls of steel the nervousness never really goes away. The higher I've gone up in points the more nervous I get when facing someone new. You guys haven't experienced it yet but when you start running into Vets and well known online rank players it gets even worse because in your mind you wonder if your BS can phase them. I've ran into PR-Rog, Chris T, Brent is Cool, Justin Wong, Aruto & Gllty just to name a few and have gotten cooked by all of them. It's exciting but nerve wrecking as hell because it's like one of those "it's all led up to this moments" Like you are fighting the Elite 4 lmao! But that nervous aspect is also what's made it fun to turn the game on and see what you're gonna get.
  15. I've dedicated allot of my life to this game. That's in part because this is my first SF that I'm playing on a level above "better than your neighbors dog" so that's why my drive is so strong. But I understand that the reality for most people isn't gonna be like mine. It's really tough putting hours and time into fight games when there's so much shit to do in life. From adult stuff to other forms of leisure. Froztey is really good. He dogs himself sometimes but he knows he's better than most of the rank shitters that we scream about day and day out. He blew me up with his day 2 Sak and that was an across waters lag fest that was mostly one sided (on his end). And I fight Pookie allot as well and he's so fundamentally sound as a player that he can dismantle me pretty quickly. He feels I've gotten stronger but allot of the times he tells me that after he violates me lmao! I got back up to Diamond with Kolin again which made me happy as her S3 changes while being really strong took away what I was used to from her. But seeing my effort give me that arbitrary blue emblem keeps me coming back for more. Hearing those fake points go up gets me going lmao! So don't give up hope Nec. Keep playing the waifus and trust in them and they will be good to you. The waifu bond is too strong to not take you to Diamond.
  16. I saw SAO back when S1 was popping and I honestly didn't hate it. Yes the pacing is shit and yes Cuckitito is OP and trash but eh..... it wasn't that bad. That being said that was like 4 years ago and I dropped anime after that so I wasn't around when the Ieskai floodgates opened. My taste in Anime is pretty post 90's early 00's Gundam/Shonen schlock so I'm not to hung up on what Anime isn't right now since I've gotten into some recent shows that entertain me.
  17. It's amazing how far you can get in this game and still not see the big picture. I had two long sets with Jak playing against his Juri and got my shit pushed in really bad. I got really frustrated to the point of screaming but I kept my shit together. I just felt bad I couldn't keep up. Everything was off from my spacing to my confirms. I think the sets were like 10-4 10-6. I can only imagine what fighting a Juri the level of Infiltration must be like lmao I'm a lazy shit bag and a slow leaner but the hunger is still just as strong as when I booted up the game during the betas. I'm not gonna stop till I get to grand master...... then I'll keep playing.......
  18. >Isekai is bad >Not liking Overlord shame on all you niggas
  19. I'm up to here with the bullshit on SRK. God damn the formatting on that site is fucking atrocious.
  20. I understand women have huge body issues but for me I'd rather have flat tiddies than fake tiddies. Also NCR gonna be great but some of the my faves are in straight up dead pools. [Le sad frog face]
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