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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. What you all think?
  2. With all the wars, prejudices, slavery, holding back scientific advancement, that religion is responsible of, I never want to here how Religion offers any kind of Morality. Religion is where most of the worlds Evils come from.
  3. Agreed I believe the freedoms of religion ends at the tip of your nose. Keep Thy God to thy self. I tired hearing about "God's Will" BS.
  4. So I understood it, in a shooter scenario the police is supposed to have two teams in place Team A to go in and stop the shooter, they aren't concern with anything else but the shooter Team B to keep innocents Bystanders out, and protect anyone fleeing the building and if necessary direct them to medical first responders Only after Team A give the all clear do paramedics enter the building. Securing the Crime scene comes after the paramedics are done. That said, Uvald Police had no Team A. Here a FBI Training video, Although it's educational it's graphic and may not be safe for work
  5. Trump loses appeal, must testify in New York civil probe
  6. When the Onion post a real article
  7. Because the police we have are cowards who only think of them selves first. When they are threatened by the unarmed black man they shoot first, when there a actual shooter they do nothing. Guess everything is bigger in Texas, including cowardice and stupidity.
  8. We have to have Good Guys first. Good men don't sit there and let the armed assailant do his thing for a hour. In a hour I can go to McDonald's, have lunch, go home and do a Alliance Raid in Final Fantasy 14, and have time to spare.
  9. Here the thing, in the last 20+ years almost every shooting that happened, the guns were purchased legally. RSG3 said it, you can buy a gun about as easily as you can buy a cheese burger. Guns should have a background check, cross-referencing various databases, a min wait time period. Perhaps mandatory training and licensing like you would with an automobile. The US is the only 1st world country with this issue, and it needs to change.
  10. Last thing we as a country need is religion, or Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's god. The same lawmakers who state abortion is murder turn a blind eye when children are gunned down, are also the law makers who think their religion should be everyone's religion.
  11. Looks like someone wants to act like Amber Heard and shit the bed, and not realizing they are about to catch hands.
  12. I think Chip and Dale should be voiced by Tom Selleck and Harison Ford
  13. The sad part is, and I think its because of Trumpo. The part you are suposed to say quietly to yourself, Republicans are saying outloud and not caring everyone just realized what they just said. It's disgusting that they don't even have the decency to pretend to care anymore. They just speak without any internal filter.
  14. I though about getting one of those Arcade 1 Up machines, and just not use their electronics but subsite my own But the wood material they use aren't that good.
  15. This is a thread over the PSX Light gun, but it might give you some insight
  16. Koalas are like little coked-out balls of teeth and claws that never gets enough dope for their fix. So they will fuck up anything that gets too close. They eat only one plant exclusively, despite their digestive tracks are unable to process correctly, they survive as their gut bacteria does all the heavy digestion work. It's why baby Koalas will eat their mothers poop to inherit the same gut bacteria.
  17. Hippos aren't mobile? They run faster than Ursan Bolt (35 mph).
  18. Hippos have no natural predators in a Continent full of mega fauna. Lions, Cheetahs , Nile crocodiles, and even elephants know not to throw hands with a Hippo. Honey Badgers who aren't afraid to die, with smoke animals that can kill a lion knows to stay away.
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