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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. You know Dreams are just actual events happening in a parallel universe. There another you who had their shit stolen by Rocket Raccoon or Tom Nook. Meanwhile in Zata's dreams
  2. First PS5 with Gran Turismo, now this. No one learned shit from the 2013 shit storm MS had on their hands.
  3. Favorite bit from the comments summed up into one phrase; For everyone that complain that Vegeta got nerfed, they nerf Thor harder.
  4. There other competition in the Android market kinda weak. Strongest contender is the pixle and its not as good of a phone.
  5. What new Android Phone should I get? No iPhones.
  6. The hey Such and such took advantage of a drunk girl while she's knocked out. Or thd girl said no, that sort of thing. And the shit excuse is that they didn't want to ruin the young man's life, disgreading the fact now a young woman's life is ruined. Often the excuse is "boys will be boys".
  7. How bout we teach boys that No means No and not to Rape and sexually assault people. Fuck your Sacrilege of Human Life BS. When people are stands for Cops murdering innocent people without repercussion, I don't want to hear about abortion. Even in medieval times they allow abortion before the third trimester, and they though the uterus is filled with Sea Monsters and Demons. This self control thing is BS. You just want your fat ugly girl, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. How bout when you die you don't get to choose if your body gets harvested for organs or used for science? Same concept but the person of interest is still alive and should be able to make their own life choices. You don't know the factors that are in someone's life, what situations they are in, you don't get to decide for someone else, period.
  8. Problem is 1. Many pro life states are not allowing for Abortion for cases of Rape, Incest, or other Medical complications (such as a Tube or Ectopic pregnancy). 2. Women should have the right to Body Autonomy. 3. Empowerment would be giving women the right to choose their own reproductive health choices and the means to get the treatment they need. Anyways if you are against "handouts" and "Welfare" you should be for Abortions as now people aren't forced to carry to term children they can't afford to keep. Amazing how much conservatives cares about a Fetus until its born, then it can go fuck off till it's age to go die for the country.
  9. Cause the Republicans only care about furthering their own agenda, nothing else. You got cucks like Ted Cruz who would throw his own wife under the bus to be in line with party politics.
  10. Maybe you shouldn't shit the bed Amber
  11. I just got the game cart for my Niece, I going to give this to her along with a custom Pink GBA (She chose the color) when her birthday rolls around later this year. I am also including Pokemon Yellow, Super Mario Land 2 DX, Tetris, and Kid Icarus of Myth and Monsters.
  12. I have meet women named Fantasia before, just never spelled with a Y instead of an I
  13. So Venezuela did their own undoing. And they thumb their noses at everyone about their own BS, and said we we didn't need anyone. Venezuela shat their own bed here, not the US or Russia. Yes I know Venezuela used the Russians to work on their infanstrure and did a shit job, but it was up to Venezuela to do the upkeep, which they never did. Biden thinks they should step up production, they got alot of oil sitting there. And truth is Venezuela should be stepping up as the county can really use the money. No one told Venezuela to sit on their hands and do diddly squat with the oil industry Infanstutre, nations who aren't Russian even offered to help and Venezuela told them to kick rocks.
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