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Everything posted by TheInfernoman

  1. I don't usually go all in on video game Kickstarters (or retro style adventure games) BUUUUUT this looks sweet. Just debating how much to support it...
  2. I actually shook his (Gavin) hand at work backstage for a special event he came to at Disneyland (it was our first ever PRIDE nite)...I REALLY wanted to pull away from the moment but doing so I knew I would be making a scene among him and a few managers who know me so at the cost of my own integrity, I just did it to keep my job so to speak. Gavin is trash and when I got a good look at him I got that vibe of someone who isn't genuine but what politician is?
  3. Not sure if I shared this one but uhh latest video.
  4. Considering how fast the internet moves, peeps were talking about this weeks ago...she's still on there, she's got enough pull to stay on there, YouTube won't do anything about it...
  5. And those cray bruvs will get what they deserve. Side note, I cringe every time I hear the phrase "Cottage core" when one of those AC chicks talk about the game. Community aside, My wife and I did enjoy playing when we did but once you do a year of AC...gets meh especially when Nintendo fails to update the game.
  6. Community Notes is still the best thing the website formerly known as twitter has done.
  7. BUUUUUUT Animal Crossing chicks are
  8. Because for some that's how you find your place in the market. Sometimes appealing to the masses can mean competing with companies/people that have so much appeal that you'll never get noticed. From a niche (yes even a gimmick) you can grow bigger and begin to expand from there.
  9. The other side of the coin is "alt right this/that" when no one can tell me the difference between conservative/right wing/alt right. Woke was evolved from SJW which in many ways was just an abbreviated way to say "progressive/leftist/marxist/anti traditional" you get the idea. Both phrases are just short hand that most normies can't explain it properly but have a general idea or "feeling" about what it is.
  10. What year is this? Sounds like something like that would have been said 30 years ago. I mean Sonic said it best...but Sega... YOU'RE TOO SLOOOOOOOW!
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