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Everything posted by TheInfernoman

  1. Skipping that new superman show. Seems like it's trying to do too much in one season. Seems meh 🙃
  2. Very random to ask but since you did. The juice is really the only part of pineapple I can enjoy. Personally Pineapple juice is best when mixed with another fruit. I don't like to eat pineapple as the taste and texture feel weird to me. I hate it in pizza because unlike most other toppings taking out pineapple is a pointless feat. The pineapple juices from the toppings seap into the pizza itself so I can taste it within and to me just doesn't blend well at all with the rest of the pizza. In general I don't like to mix meats and sweets. No Hawaiian pizza no pineapple on ham or whatever. Only exception to sweet meat is beef bulgogi
  3. Oooh Disney talk again? OK from what I have seen is whoever Disney has to market their movies is failing horribly. On top of that they're allowing certain narratives to run wild which alienated possible moviegoers. Look at Barbie. It was a brilliant marketing campaign which revealed later that the film was more pro feminist than originally thought but few learned that until after it dropped. I expected Barbie and Ken from Toy story 3 but didn't get that. They still got me as I did go see the movie. Look at how the live action Disney movies are marketed in recent years and how polarized opinions are on them. More thoughts after work.
  4. Despite the hype the episode had, I KNEW what was going to happen. buildup and flashback for 3/4 of the episode, then like 2 min of action. the next episode will really show off the fight.
  5. lots coming next year. I look forward to the cowboy set.
  6. You're not wrong but in context to what he represents VS people who never watched him and will make assumptions about what is Johnny Bravo. I wouldn't want to see him come back. Johnny had a short but sweet run. Not every beloved cartoon needs to be brought back.
  7. Johnny ain't never coming back...and it makes me sad yet he's still hilarious
  8. Bruv was never invited to the cookout and he's already got a plate
  9. DEBATE! I would but I have to get ready for work again. First of the top of my head are MiB and Ducktales
  10. Zal can stay. I can ignore his posts and live. I can see his ramblings and laugh when I want to. At this point he's a litmus test.
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