Stage Select


MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Reiraku

  1. I'm glad to see all of my favorite people posting here more. I need to go back over the stage select to see if anything can beat the KoF BG I am rocking right now
  2. It's nice having pages. Also I should post here more.
  3. Japan keeps it on a "ok if you're into it, just don't do it" sort of thing. Look at what happened to Kuroda. He got caught doing it and got blown up.
  4. At this rate, I'm going to be in top 8 at Evo by default
  5. One thing I've noticed is the reactions display the full sized av of whomever reacts to a post. This can cause an image to cover the text of a post above it.
  6. Currently working on a little mini-cab to house a Lakka laptop build I put together.
  7. I just spent $200 at Home Depot and I'm not even done yet. The building bug is too real.
  8. I look forward to this place becoming just as good of a source of information as the originator boards. Hopefully, some young potential stumbles upon this place and gets inspired to build just as much stuff as some of us. Then they realize how much money we've spent on this. Oh god, the money I've spent because of these boards...
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