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Everything posted by Shakunetsu

  1. the only thing I'll tolerate them if they were all centuries distance to each other not just a 100 years but like 300 to 500 years away from each other. Captain Commando is the nearest, SF2010 is next and Strider is the farest away.
  2. I think i would be sooner a norm Here a thing in MTG there are so many formats that were not from the makers of MTG itself it just spawn on it's own thing because majority likes it and it even overtake the main format aka type2/standard. because some format is cheaper, accesible and does not rotate like standard so people prefered those. So there this format called premodern and modern. if many people would play Modern over the Classic. No wonder sooner or later there would be Modern dedicated tournaments that requires everyone to play with Modern controls if they will participate. It's the new trend now
  3. Im just waiting for a next season either getting a Mad Gear Saga WTM with FF and MadGear DLC character season or a Secret Society Season with SF3 characters aa DLC
  4. what the issue and sensitivity when they are catering to more international audience? not all japanese really that translate well to other culture and could interpret different?
  5. when's mahvel? imagine Akuma spaming kongokokuretsuzan while Ryu spamming air horizonal hadokens lol MK goes mahvel haha
  6. Poor guy but the thing is his dead like Nash but Nash turned to dust. And thats likely what they can used for him. I still want Kage X Necali to trap that soul and fused as one
  7. Hakkan gets a pass on me as the goofy but interesting character in SF4 that the only goofy character from SF4 I want to return even not being story relevant. Abel only has consideration to me because of the major role and lore about him but his plain generic even I like how he plays as a grappler.
  8. Lets just simply wrap things up and make the two characters merge NecaliXKage or KageXNecali Let Necali eat Kage and make them a venom like character that fights eternally on Necali subconcious to whom should control his body but works together and combine their techniques. when fighting against Ryu since both are previous aquinted personally with Ryu And basically shutting down Necali unquenching thirst and hunged to consume human warriors and fighters. Because of Kage being astral and eternal embodiment manifestation of Satsui No Hadou. Giving Necali eternal sustenance of warrior energy. So finally wrapping up two characters into ONE being, since both were supposed to be SF4 Evil Ryu's sucessor. Necali failed but Kage suceeded and both were 2 subsquent attempt trying to replicate the success and appeal of Evil Ryu's SF4 iteration. Finally ending any of their separate existence and also destroying the idea of Necali consuming warriors which is a complicated plot and not good for a fighting game story bexause it permanently retires the chance of that character to be playable for good.
  9. the best role for akuma is not being specific to ryu but just someone challenging someone he seems worthy.
  10. We don't need another filler Akuma when Akuma is turned into that, then revert Akuka back again. Akuma is always inviatable to have a slot because of $$$ and his archetype is not dated that needs to be updated unlike Sagat in SF2 and Boxer in SF2. That would only complicate the establish backstory for more than a decade. It's like all of a sudden introducing Chunli husband for 20 years in SF8.
  11. True, That's real the major issue here. Even Luke to rival just Ryu already feels out of place. lookin back the previous trailer Protagonist with Good Old man already at first glance Master and Apprentice dynamic and it's hard to view it as a rivalry for two new faces Heihachi VS Kazuya is obvious because there are already build up from previous games and they are relatives.
  12. Agree, surprisingly this SF(Sf6) has the best new comers next to SF5, and most of SF6 new comers aren't characters that i personally like to play with but it can't be denied the overwhelming acceptance that everyone likes and enjoy those new characters. Kimberly seems fun to play with Yet SF5 new comers were some are long existing background characters and NPC that everyone was hyped up since before to become finally playable Sf4 has the most bland new comers until Juri came
  13. luke 2nd try in sf6 makes him accepted not the best but gradually becoming likeable.
  14. I think there is a huge reason that they change SF4 that was supposed to be SF2 remake before in paper. then they realize to reserve that branding as a soon FAIL-SAFE and continued to move forward while still over writing STRevival in process which was the last considered official canon that time before SF3. I don't even think they rebrand like MK did, like JUST SF1 with geki, joe and mike. Maybe SF but set on ALPHA
  15. I'm directly talking about just set of characters but rather the whole change of settings combined with the casting in the way daemos is saying in SF3 settings + casting
  16. I mean literal huge timeskip that majority are new cast and deplicting the OG cast as a separately unplayable like retired they still keep the WW as if they were not that far retired or distance. even their age is very far away. so it's fine
  17. yeah, as the moment sf steps on that area, likely a reboot is around the corner, even Soul Calibur went that way
  18. Yeah, I agree. I always put her in the Mercenary category of Fighters that is the best to be recurring because of being Flexible. She aligned with Juri and Vega on that category I posted on SRK. It's just a thought of mine after seeing her backstory in WTM through Juri's narrative. It's like they are slowly setting her for retirement as a playable one. Even though she has potential to be a recurring character. while having a new slot for a new agent/spy like character that they could create their own. having more creative freedom and less constraints. since viper has a daughter.
  19. Ever since in SRK, I find it weird and strange that LAURA can generate electricity in thin air for some unknown reason? Is it because she a brazilian like Blanka and she also wear green? lol Sean wore the wrong color of Gi, he should have wore green too lol. So his special attacks are electrified haha I think the current designers will retire Viper for good in a happy ending way with her daughter in SF6. I don't think SF has used for her being around since Seth is saga and shadaloo is over.
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