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Everything posted by Shakunetsu

  1. Hi guys what the difference and advantage? any pros and cons using octogate lever compare to other lever? thanks guys =====
  2. we kinda know from trailer what his gonna end up being toss against Ryu that Necali is absent in SF3, His a disposable filler character just like Seth to Bison that was meant to be destroyed by Ryu in SFV without the need of Akuma. His the role was Akuma usual role supposed to be in the trailer while his moveset is obviously inspired by SF4 Evil Ryu. Necali was a failed attempt to captivate the SF4 evil Ryu appeal without the need of Evil Ryu because he was meant to absorb Evil Ryu from Ryu in the trailer. His SF4 Evil Ryu 2.0 while Evil Ryu 3.0 attempt is Kage.
  3. I never said it cannot be copyright, what i say it works differently. game mechanics like throwing fireball or even just blocking. aren't the same with feeding ai a sole artwork of an artist and generate new art from the filtered artist work then take profit from it. you did the comparison with ai machine and guns. and also claim that if you try to protect everyone with regulation you protect no one. so i say human evolve ethically so that's needs regulation and artist needs to voice out regarding the ai situation that the wild wild west were the time that guns were perceive different ethically compare to modern times. there is no way that guns being looked ethically better that time by the people in wild wild west era compare to the modern times. look copy machines generating photo copies or even printing an office document to another printer arent the same as the case ai machined usage in a situation that to a filtered art specifically from a sole person. he already gave examples what can be copyright and he also tackled my example. and it's not on what your saying already that is more on a different subject.
  4. Looks so far that weren't the case and design mechanic, it's more of called GAME PLAY MECHANIC being straight up copied is, it's still on the area of inspired by and isn't comparable to Artstyle of a sole artist being feed to a machine to generate something strikingly similar then retouch and call it a day for profit That doesn't invalidate my statement on your argument "Try to protect EVERYONE and you will end up protecting almost no one." "so leave it that way, so no to regulation". because people have evolve ethically and perspective has change compare to the wild west era compare to the modern times that why it is incorrect to let this be the case on your statement. It's impossible to claim that having "some towns in the wild west had STRICTER gun" makes your argument correct and things are the same as modern times on how guns is perceive ethically used. many =/= some, majority =/= some & general =/= some. I already repeated it multiple times in most of the previous comment and even Legal Eagle also tackled my concerns specifically.
  5. Lol, Mugen isn't comparable to ai art issue, it cannot be used by large company to exploit artist for profit or it cannot be monetized by large corporation using other creators content. Me and Shock has been among the oldest member of the community that still active today. that a very different argument kinda far fetch regarding labor. I don't know how the law on guns in US is but as far as I know Texas has a different law regarding guns. Yet guns still require a permit to carry and own. That proves the point that there is a form of regulation compare the wild west west era that gives a form of order.
  6. Agree regardless how many dislike SF4 and that SF4 age not that better than 3rd Strike, SF4 was successful from the vanilla to Ultra, while 3S success isn't when it came out and it still niche compare to legacy games like MVC2
  7. That sound something good but it isn't as simple as that, regulation as human evolve helps everyone even it isn't a equal ground but stil kept exploitation minimal. If this is many coined the phrase when there is something new that can be exploited it's kinda either refer to a "wild wild west" situation. imagine that kind of idea as an excuse to let go of the chaos when guns are made. regulation change a lot of things from the creative media industry without it everything is likely to stay on the dark age. it's not really the individual it's always been a battle of resources and ideas either be consumed/bought in the end that's how the tech and creative industry works. if small players isnt protected by any rights big companies, gonna destroy any mean of competition or find away to circumvent labor rights
  8. just like alpha2 having the better stylistic choice than third alpha \
  9. Legal Eagle already tackle my concerns already. So I wont expand it that much. it's about feeding AI the works of specific person art style that it would be dedicated to mimic a specific artstyle of a person and after dumping him/her. Here a thing, it's not about personal issues and individual struggle for expressing his/her idea but rather it's a company that would exploit and taken advantage of an artist dedication and hardwork to be either innovative or even to standout. The terrifying part is that they would just hired bunch of people for cheap labor from 3rd world countries that the only dedicated job on retouching the ai generated images from the artist and call it a day then make profit out of that sole artist artstyle. While all the credit goes to the outsourcing company/studio or whatsoever. Because of the BARE MINiMUM HUMAN INTERVENTION AS A LOOP HOLE then PROFIT. It's not about manifesting a vision when the human intervention is just retouching an ai generated image by another person from sole artist work. Labor and artist exploitation is just around the corner this is why regulation is an important factor like other form of media.
  10. Regarding guns in the wild west they we're different in the perspective because people have evolve ethnically. That's why they need to voice out for their rights at least gaming and comic industry isn't as worst in artist rights compare to 80s and 90s like the time that names of the artist and designers were kept hidden and unknown, regulation is not really that impossible but the thing is it still depends on the country.
  11. Look that's not the whole thing that was for @ShockDingo response, it's not about artist exploiting artist, even the video you posted agree in what I am saying. It's not the tool it's the greedy companies. Look even the video explains there if it was posted along creative commons, that means if it was posted transformative but yet shad says it could still be used for exploitive means, in the end it's not the tool it's the user. So there for exploitation is just around the corner that why it needs to be regulated since there is a huge GREY AREA. To be clear I was pointing not on possibilities of Greedy Companies trying to circumvent the current situation of Ai this is why I am pro-regulation There is a different from individuals than a huge outsource companies that has all the methods and strategies systematized for that would have already prompt using it in funded a custom designed AI Machine dedicated for the companies brand usage. while hiring low paying salary unexperienced artist to retouch generated images, it's like a factory. while kicking a person responsible for the whole artistic direction. Look my point here is not about individuals artist that is striving but rather greedy companies that can exploit artist that have are "having their own brand and art style" and taking advantage of the labor system and GREY area of AI, which is currently the new wild wild west right now. It's not about individual but those who could made business model from it. Every one right now after the pandemic has been obsess with passive income and exploitation. This have happen and even in the past 80s-90s some Gaming Companies doesn't want to credit game designer, artist and dev, regardless japan, west or even in europe, that why some start their own gaming companies. Names were purposely omitted and hidden with pseudo names. Like many NES games that had popular franchise right now because it became a pop culture sensation has left still unknown and unnamed original artist and original game designers exploitation is always possible when their is no regulation. I understand but it's not on an individual manner of an artist but greedy companies not someone like you that strives on. That's not how royalties work, Greedy Companies that would intentionally kick an artist for profit and replace them with "design associate" people that are not really experienced graphic designer and graphic artist but individual that just trained to do images retouch after generation of art. This people doesn't even need experienced or art background but just wanted to earn.
  12. Yeah the real issue here is the consent if the illustrator or if the signed deal regarding artwork can result to exploitation of art style while giving all the credit or acknowledgment in some from the ai. Even contracts can go obviously go to very grey area with Ai technology. Yup I have seen Ai voices and even storytelling having a huge improvement lately even has tonal shift. yet those are inspired not and it's notable to be a direct inspiration rather than procedural generated As someone that is not an illustrator but a designer as well that considered AI art as tool not a threat. Here is a thing, I only considered it a pass for conceptual works for product design using real photograph not artistic illustration because that's a different case and could affect labor rights. Imagine Capcom doing that to Bengus to generate 90s alpha like illustration without consent, compensated and royalties because they are using art that they "already paid" for Or even SNK doing that to Shinkiro to generate new Shinkiro like art for newer games without his consent that's obviously unethical That would be the case with artist that is already popular but how about those that aims to have their own style and wasn't yet as big as the two examples we need to accept that their are many companies would exploit everything by using horrific practices, greedy companies will always try the GREY area until it becomes regulated we already seen it in microtransaction, nft and much more. and the bigger threat here is for company or a studio that can rob an rising illustrator that wanted his own identity by having his own style by hiring them to do brand identify for their artwork then kicking them out for budget reason then using all his previous artwork for the ai to learn to replace the artist while training on unnamed individuals(that isn't credited) that aren't really illustrators to use a software/app that they will only do is retouch their ai generated art from the previous artist that their employer recently dump. It's likely outsource minus an experience art director or lead artist that was responsible for the original art style replacing it with a team/project manager and combined to an ai machine. Because it's cheaper especially if outsourced and from the unnamed individuals then the credit goes all to the companies AI machine, which is different from a flesh and blood artist that obviously acknowledge the original artist illustration that he imitates as an inspiration for art direction and art style. I have seen some outsourcing companies do that already but not for ai art, but I expect it sooner. This is one of the problem with many individuals like artist from 3rd world countries that's why they don't innovate or aim for originality because either their works either outshine, buried or rob so they felt so they heavily relied on practicality. The rise of AI art illustration would only demotivate more of those individuals that is striving for his own style to just go what is practical because companies and studio would careless with his/her own style after the feed it the machine learning.
  13. the only mammal animal character needs to be in SF that can summon dark magician girl
  14. looks like its easier now for everyone to close a gap and distance than ever before
  15. ops it wasn't me I just follow through someone else post I was the second, I tried to look at it and it might be deleted
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