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Everything posted by Reticently

  1. Man, as much as I love Cham, sometimes I wish I could remember how to play even one other character 😆
  2. I kinda mugged you at the end of that one. I'll take it, but lol didn't really earn it
  3. Also, if anyone wants SamSho on Steam and doesn't have it yet, just let me know. Got a fat bonus from work this week and it's worth a few bucks to get games.
  4. @DoctaMariocan you set up a room? Turns out I don't have @Hecatomon my friends list to send an invite
  5. @Hecatomwhat's your PS Yes, still getting a room set up
  6. Okay, kids are asleep, PlayStation is on an Ethernet cable, pretty much good to play whenever 👍
  7. One of the legitimate criticisms of SFxT was that the customization options allowed people to force various degrees of visual obnoxiousness on online opponents. Like, I'm all for whatever customization as an option, but at least let people protect themselves from players abusing it online.
  8. If jizz had any SPF some of the women I graduated highschool with would be holding up a lot better.
  9. The actual problem with Musk in this context is just that he compulsively makes his every take, good, bad, or indifferent, utterly famous. Say what you want about Einstein, dude didn't leverage his physics success to buy up a slice of media and then use it to put every thought in his head up to public scrutiny.
  10. If he did that, Google's AI would have access to his problems 🧐
  11. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. If you've ever gotten to be a fly on the wall in a place where white women talk privately with other white women, there seems to be plenty of them who fetishize being with black guys in a way that's probably deeply insulting to anyone who's not just looking to get their dick wet.
  13. I don't think anything about the Sanji thing is that surprising. The way he no-sold everything Queen did basically means Sanji with his altered body is at top sub-comnander tier, kind of comparable to Marco.
  14. I don't*think* he does, but he's is like one of the first people I thought of, lol.
  15. So someone sent me a gag gift for Valentine's day, and I have no idea who and I think I'm in trouble with my wife until I find out who 😬
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