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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. People who hate on season 2 of the wire, are typically plebs that only watched for the drug dealing, gang banging, hood parts.
  2. Now that you mentioned that. I had watched a vid about the "downfall" of Jake Paul. And in it. It mentions that he has a military dad. Who in his childhood and teen years. Pushed him into competive sports and wrestling. I'm assuming his dad must've also taught him some military combat tech. So Jake Paul aint no bitch. The goofy everyday bro persona had us underestimating him.
  3. That Jake Paul and Nate Rob fight was the boxing equivalent of a football game in which most of it is 3 and outs and punting on 4th and 1, until one team caught a lucky break with a hail Mary pass for a touchdown on the final play. @SoneroYeah Roy Jones showed his age, but Tyson showed why he's called Iron Mike. Forget Jordan. That's the Mike I wanna be like.
  4. So ya mean to tell me people actually out here eating entire pizza pies by themselves??? I know we Americans are said to have the biggest asses in the world but damn.
  5. We talking a personal sized pizza pie or a family sized one?
  6. All good my dude. Decided to go back to school for engineering. Narrowed it down to either electrical, structural, or mechanical.
  7. Hey fellas what kind of combination of shape and size ass ya like on a woman? For me? Enough meat back there and slightly toned to give that booty cuff at the base of the cheeks. I fucking love that.
  8. There's no redemption for premeditated murder of a mother and her daughters over refusing to cook. If there is a God, there better not be any room in heaven for this dude.
  9. Facts. Death is easy. The dead dont suffer and face what they've done. He wanted breakfast? Well hopefully he gets a mouthful of "sausage" "nuts" and "buns" with "milk" every morning. Courtesy of his cellmate
  10. It is but it's not to hide her age because she actually is a kid. It is to make herself appear non threatening to enemies and targets. Because underestimating a capable opponent, is a quick way to die even if you're the superior fighter.
  11. *Read previous page* Wow they dead ass forgot my girl BB. Let me put ya on game. Laid waste to a family of werewolves Jon Talbain sees her as a serious threat Hunts demons for a living has a reputation that makes demons take notice of her. Jedah Dohma a high noble demon. Mistook her for a Darkstalker. She's that hard-core. If a new Darkstalkers ever comes out. We need adult BB Hood at her full potential
  12. 2020 Has been a truly shit year. But this here is a much needed light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Trump losing Georgia said it all. People on both sides were done. Enough was enough. Only his cult like base was riding for him. Get that celebrity in chief, troll attempt that went way too damn far, black mark on our nation and its history the fuck outta here! I dont know if Biden will do better. But I'm certain he won't do worse. I'll take a mediocre president over the shit show that was Trump. Good riddance
  13. Trump barely holding on to Georgia. No way Atlanta alone is making it this close. Trump definitely lost some republican support in the suburban and rural areas. Not just in Georgia but across nation. Because he lost states he won in 2016. I think his collosal fuck up with covid sealed the deal for the end of his presidency. And rightfully so
  14. Imagine Texas turns blue only for Cali to turn red.
  15. So you actually became a soyboy. You really are what you eat huh?
  16. Yo its crazy how accurate this is.i think we've all been here at one point as gamers
  17. Here in Georgia. We're amazingly the only state in the southeast without rising cases.
  18. So that hellavuh boss pilot from vizier pop studios on YouTube a few months back just aired its first episode. This series needs to be picked up by Adultswim. Now!
  19. I think it'd go to the assassinated winner's pick for Vice President.
  20. *Looks up egg in a hole* Hmm, why am I just learning of this? Gonna try it.
  21. Oh we talking breakfast? Aight I gotcha. Steel cut oats made with almond milk. With chopped banana, peanut butter, honey and walnuts. With seasoned soft boiled eggs on the side You can mix it up with strawberries, cinnamon and Blueberries with Sunny side up egg on toast on the side. Damn good eating
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