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Everything posted by JHDK

  1. Ian McKellen brought so much charm, warmth, and humanity into the role of a what was pretty much a corporealized mid-tier angel, that I simply cannot see anyone else having pulled of Gandalf even a 10th so well. McKellen's Gandalf was, dare I say, MAGIC
  2. Dude HAS to be a reverse troll. He just has to be. Nobody who can manage to figure out how to get their thumbs properly situated onto both analog sticks, is too stupid to figure out how to kill a few Spider Ants in Borderlands. And yet, Phil.
  3. Is Ethan a filler character? It is rather paradoxical that a playable character would be given a pass for something that filler characters are not let off as having an excuse for.
  4. Leon had a pretty compelling characterization, in RE2 and its Remake. As did Claire. As did Jill and Carlos in RE3:R. And for better or worse, Leon got a ton of charactization in RE4. Anyone who looks to Chris punching boulders in the worst non-FPS RE, to justifying denegrating all that canonically came before it, can kick rocks... the ones left from his awesome display of anime testosterone. Don't get me wrong. The RE5 that we got was travesty of storytelling. And its followup might as well be titled RE:Deep6. But it does not behoove you to downplay the characters and story that came before 5, in order to justify RE:Village Idiot, as the godawful new controllable character. I won't call Ethan a protagonist. He's an unfortunate background artifact that got stuck on the cursor. At best. Ethan is the Other M of RE playable characters. Dame Judy Dench wept.
  5. It isn't a good sign, when the dev team scours the forums, culls ideas, and scraps the current build based upon the whims of basement-dwellers' [sometimes staggeringly obvious] suggestions for course correction, time and again. He might also want to change careers, at this point.
  6. I honestly would rather have a character that I can relate to, than a self-insert, much less a pseudo self-insert. But that requires more work, I guess.
  7. He isn't a character insert, imo. He is Capcom being lazy, and passing it off as a design choice.
  8. We know what he looks like. His character is that he is desperate to find his wifu, and is badly written made for t.v. hentai levels of inexplicably adept at surviving and killing, given the background story we already have in rather great detail, that also somewhat impedes the whole player insert angle. If we're playing any RE, we're not seeing our character's face, unless in a cutscene (7 has those too). We're too busy surviving for all that.
  9. I don't play RE to play a character insert. I play to vicariously enjoy the feats of the protagonist. And I really do not see Ethan as a player insert. The PC in Skyrim? Yeah, probably. But Ethan's story doesn't really change by our choices. Sure, his wife either lives or dies by our one big decision (but not really - see: RE8), but that is the extent of our autonomy, which really goes against the whole character insert design philosophy. Ethan is more of an incel who got to insert, and put a ring in it, and is actually Japanese society playing its populace in the hopes umog upping their national player base. A blank slate is one thing. Ethan is a slated blank.
  10. Shame he didn't kill HIMSELF, and leave a window open for one of the cooler, more interesting protagonists to take the lead for 8. Ethan is so bland, milquetoast looks like a cornucopia of ambrosia, comparatively. He is the principal reason I couldn't care less about RE8 anymore.
  11. Wizards have been at the low to lowest end of the power spectrum rather consistently, for a few years now, actually. Bazooka was niche God build, but it got nuked (heh) after just a couple of seasons. Whereas Barb, Monk, and Curbstompsader have absolutely dominated the leader boards.
  12. Was he really? The worst I ever heard of him was that the Mafia wanted him dead, because he kept stealing their highest grade pussy.
  13. This would in fact be plausible, if he didn't also run a team that made Ryu almost look viable.
  14. I cannot believe that I am both quoting you, and, your narcissistic slapstick aside, actually agreeing with you. But holy shite was MVC:I the worst, possibly Final Form (tm), of toxic cancer vomit. On a side note: I'll bet you never foresaw Chun as the counter to that Spirit-Bic [Crawling] spam. I know I sure didn't. Not that it really matters. It literally took MVC:I for me to ultimately cede that MVC3 was not the most banal, puerile pile of Japanese bullet hell wrapped up in a metastasis of Level 3 Taste Cancer of a badly emulated, bootleg Hong Kong rip-off of an excuse for a The Offspring magnitudes of a wannabe fighting game, Shingo Kicking itself in the mirror for not being more like the most meager shade of the shadow of its superior in every conceivable way big brother, MVC2. I sucked at MVC2. And even I know that much.
  15. I'm going to have to eventually try that game. Speaking of one mistake equals a stage's being hard reset... how's everyone else enjoying the patched Streets of Rage 4? Cherry is outright insane, now, and is also insanely fun to play as. She's hands down my favorite of the SR4 Five, now... even if Blaze still edges her out for best character.
  16. And at the end of the day, it is a Remaster of a game I already played to death, being offered for purchase at the low, low price of $70 more dollars. Better visuals, better audio, same shit, different gen. Hard pass. Make something new, for fuck's sake. I'd rather play a sequel made for the PS3.
  17. So then. I just took a glance at the SRK forums for the first time in forever, at Chad's suggestion Why are any of you still there? It has gone from slumming and random texts, to open self-destructive cheating, at this point. Don't do that to Mega. Don't do that to yourselves. MisterBesus wept.
  18. "YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME, AND THE RAINBOW THAT IS MY HAAAAIR." Tweeted several double X bipeds, probably. Yes, pun.
  19. Sunfire got shit on from almost day one. They couldn't figure out how to properly utilize him, so they just went ahead and made him a collassal prick who ditched the team because "Fuck you, iteki."
  20. Y'know, there are only so many ways that I can explain to you how you are wrong. I have yet to exhaust all of them... but I simply do not care enough to do so.
  21. Jugs is giant-sized, in the sheer girth of his brawn, at the very least, even if you were to call his height "oddly tall".
  22. Attempted murder and emotional distress? "Waaah! The big bad legal lessee of the apartment I violently broke into in the middle of the night SHOT ME." Won't somebody please think of the pork rinds?
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