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Everything posted by Mattatsu

  1. I am really lucky sometimes, I ordered a Hori Fighting Edge PS4 stick marked as “used - acceptable” (Amazon Warehouse’s lowest grade for the condition of returned items, which usually implies it has all kinds of cosmetic issues, but it still works). It was listed at $160 CAD, as opposed to $270 CAD (which is the new price here). Figured I’d take a stab at it and return it if it was too busted up. It just got delivered and is factory-sealed in perfect condition. The cable compartment door was off and loose, so I suspect they heard something sliding around in the box and marked it low, but the door wasn’t in the bag the stick was in, so I assume it’s just shipped like that. The plastic clips were fine and it snapped it and works no problem. Fucking awesome. I’ll need a few days to get myself re-acquainted to stick, so I probably won’t play games with you guys for a week or so, but I’m looking forward to it!
  2. I am turning around as well. I was in a grumpy mood yesterday before that reveal, and I’ve since realized that I was in the mood to shit on anything that didn’t fit my narrow view of what I wanted to see. Ryu and Luke look awesome quite honestly. It just wasn’t the art style I was hoping to see. The art and colours that pop up around them near the end (seemingly like some type of super start-up) look good and give me hope. I like they’re developing Ryu into the hobo version, and that he’s wide whereas Luke is pretty thin. I felt like too many dudes in SFV had similar proportions. The announcer sounded good too. Logo is straight trash, but it’s likely a placeholder… I have a feeling this game is a bit further away than I was expecting. It’s not definitely releasing before Q4 2022, and it’s probably a 2023 launch.
  3. Capcom being Capcom… according to someone in the comments (who had a channel with SF at the acronym), they were going to use this a while ago (indicating it’s not brand spanking new) but decided it was too bland… I can’t do this anymore guys
  4. It’s not, truly. I still use from time to time, but it could’ve been better and DE doesn’t strike me as a company that is dedicated to improving their products above the bare minimum. also, I’m not super excited about this collection tbh, but I’ll pick it up on sale. I am happy they’re trying other companies though (but I hope it’s because they’re looking for a better quality product and not just going with the lowest bidder). correction: if people here are going to pick this up at launch, I probably will as well
  5. Didn’t realize Ken was so up in Chun’s biscuit
  6. That was the wackest shit ever. I hope that’s not indicative of the art style
  7. Watching this stream is killing me. I’m so ready for a new (good) SF game
  8. I’m just very happy it’s a holiday in my province tomorrow… I get to stay up late, watch the RE trailer, and chuckle myself to sleep
  9. For real though, it should be either Montgomery or Michele
  10. I started following this guy, and never realized how often he posts. He posts a new cosplay like twice a day. Guy’s a goddamn king
  11. That feels lazy, lol. Anyways, thanks! Anyone up for games in a bit? Preferably 3S or Samsho 2019, but will play anything
  12. Random thought. Has the M-name in M Bison ever been disclosed? Presumably it was Mike Bison in Japan (for boxer), but did they change it when they associated it to dictator?
  13. Yeah, I agree it’s likely not going to happen, and with the current update model, anything that is unintended will likely get removed. also, I missed this is in my earlier post, but I’d like less meters and things. Just give us a super/EX meter, and I’d be good. I also would like some type of just defend mechanic, nothing like a parry, but maybe if you block within a certain window of the active frame hitting you, you get a few more frames of advantage. I think that would open the game up a bit more.
  14. I don’t necessarily mean it in that way (but of course the combo structure is completely different so you can’t really compare them). what I mean is it seems like SFV is almost too polished. Like every situation has been plotted out and every path has either been restricted or allowed. This may not be a popular take, but I want the game to be a little more free. Where you don’t have to lab out every situation beforehand to see what works and what doesn’t. Freestyling combos in Strive and having it work is awesome. I don’t have a similar experience in SFV. and again, I don’t just mean combos, but odd situations, like some punishes, or air resets, etc
  15. Whatever the next SF game is, I just want it to be good. I want the characters to have good tools at round-start and be fun to play. Less comeback fuckery and I want the game to be less restricted than SFV (where every combo route and situation is so heavily managed, etc). I’d also like faster movement, preferably with some additional jump options (like a super jump, maybe), and longer range buttons. Finally, I would prefer a smaller cast (under 30 is perfect), but that likely won’t happen, at least by the time the game is done.
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