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    Mostly SF6 these days

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  1. Sorry guys, I can’t make it tonight. Hopefully you guys have better luck than me tonight
  2. Will definitely let you know one way or another tonight. Unfortunately I won’t know until closer to though
  3. My biggest issue is that I don’t really play the free games. I did add Tunic and Ghostrunner 2 to my library this month, but I’d bet $100 I’ll never actually play them lol… I am really just having a hard time wanting to play a game that requires pad, but that’s personal and mostly because my big worn out hands don’t find pad to be very comfortable these days. I’m also currently the only person using the console. At the end of the day, I’m just grumpy that I have to pay $100 CAD a year to play a game online I already paid full price for, plus potentially hundreds in extra DLC. Especially when Steam players do it for free. Though, I do also prefer playing games on console so I’m kinda stuck… I have a PC that’s close to on par with my PS5 and have made an effort to switch over, and while PC offers a lot more flexibility, I am just not a fan of PC gaming (if I didn’t grind 50 hours a week for my job on my work PC, at the same desk and monitor as my personal PC, I would probably be a lot more open to it, so instead, I just bitch about the price on Twitter like everyone else 🤣)
  4. Yeah, I haven’t really played much SF6 since last August, but AKI brought me back into it. Still haven’t hopped onto ranked yet because I haven’t had too much time to lab her, and I have no idea what I’m doing, but she’s been a lot of fun so far… Ranked may prove otherwise 🤣
  5. I see Heca already responded, but yeah, unfortunately it doesn’t. Can’t blame your for cancelling. The PSN price is ridiculous… Like so ridiculous that I feel like a sucker for paying it
  6. Sorry I haven’t been around much guys. I’ve seen a few tags asking for games and am sorry I missed them. Will try to pop in more often, especially on Fridays and the weekend, to see if anyone wants to play. This weekend is a bit iffy for me but will tag you guys if I find time Life has been a bit nuts for the last several months (in a good way) but I was lucky to meet a new friend locally who plays and we both love this game so I’m not actually that rusty (not that I was ever that good 🤣)
  7. I don’t ever remember bodying you friend, but I’m down to try again
  8. No, I’m pretty much locked onto Cammy. I’m starting to think I only had a character crisis in V because that game sucked 😏
  9. That’s what I was thinking too. Dude just smoked me lol
  10. It is “white people music”, the issue some people had is that the guitarist is black, and singer/rapper is Latino. They also do a lot of hip-hop influenced music, with the rapper being a great lyricist (and nothing comparable to Limp Bizkit or shit like that, actually really good music). A lot of their music is about equal rights (especially praising pro-black movements, criticizing police, etc), but at the end of the day, it is music typically listened to by white people
  11. Yeah, I think the default colours thing (and lack of drive tickets) is shitty. I don’t mind the fighting pass because you can get all of your fighting coins back and you can buy it near the end of the pass so you’ll know if it’s worthwhile to buy I not. I do think most items in it suck, but now that the TMNT theme has taken over the battle hub, I’m glad I’ve earned some SF2 themes I can add to playlist and play instead. the TMNT skins and anything related to your avatar is pretty gross greed, but I think outfit 3 and future outfits will be reasonable so I don’t care too much
  12. I already posted my help for the rest of the match, but I also don’t start a new set if I’m already tilted. In those cases, I watch the replays of the last match (or matches) that upset me to see what I did wrong (or could do better) and lab it, or focus on applying fixes in future casual matches
  13. @purbeast definitely easier said than done, but you just got to forget it and move on. Don’t even think about it, and if you think about it for a millisecond tell your brain to shut up and focus on the current events. It’s hard at the start but gets easier with practice. one thing I do is sort of add it to my mental checklist and tell myself I’ll watch the replay later (if you’re playing on PS4/5, saving the last 15 mins of video after the match is helpful here). By adding it to a mental checklist, so to speak, I find it easier to move on.
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