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Everything posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. Playing Ghost of Tsushima on the PS5 is a remarkably different experience. I started a NG+ just to watch that intro again. I am not gonna throw my PS4 away, but it will be disconnected and in the closet by week's end.
  2. I can't remember exactly when I got my PS4, but it was an earlier build. The only console that I had fail on me was the fat PS3. I bought it with MGS4. I'll post my thoughts on the console later tonight. One of my co-workers gave me a heads up to use a network cable for the transfer as it's significantly faster. Lets hope I don't get hit with the early adopter tax.
  3. I mentioned this on the other site, I did the first Divine Beast from the Gerudo Valley, then got the Master Sword, Hylian Shield and vanquished Ganon. I keep saying that I am gonna go back and play it proper, but other things have kept my interest. Now with this PS5, I have a reason to go through and play Horizon: Zero Dawn again.
  4. I get the hustle, but why do this when you know for a fact that more are coming. Also, did anyone get GodFall?
  5. It'd be funny if Breath of the Wild had the four ingredients for pineapple pizza and when mixed, it became "dubious food".
  6. My man about to be trapped in the internet's phantom zone.
  7. It's only but so long that you can ignore science before you get a lesson from it's older brother, MATH.
  8. Lucas had great ideas but (as shown with the prequels), they don't have the greatest execution. The only reason why the OT hits as well as it does is because Lucas had a team of people that created the the movies that were willing steer Lucas when he was going astray. ESB is what it is because Lucas had the vision, but Kershner executed it. My favorite moment in all of Star Wars was in ROTJ when Luke finally beat Vader. The setup, the music, the payoff were all from Marquand's execution of Lucas's idea. For the prequels, Lucas was supported by a team of Yes men that worshipped the ground he walked on. If you watch any of the commentaries of the prequels, you can see that. While the Disney saga may have been underwhelming to some, I can't say that his take was going to be the second coming of the OT. This resonates true for me with Colin Trevarrow's take on Ep 9. Really great ideas, but I had 0 confidence in him making a movie. Jurassic World was my benchmark.
  9. I think the fact that that it was bundled with the first game in a lot of press information, it just seemed like it is. Seems like the only way to get it now is to ship it.
  10. Thanks! I noticed two releases. I'm seeing one for 49.99 and another for 69.99. I assume the higher cost is the one with the remastered PS4 game.
  11. Gonna pick up my PS5 today. I haven't bought a single game for it yet. Waiting till Dec 1 for the physical release of DMC5. My primary reason for getting it was that it's a 4K player, This was the main reason why I didn't upgrade to a PS4Pro. I am interested in the Miles Expansion for Spider-Man though.
  12. Shut the front door. I thought this was a joke. These people are serious 🤣 What's crazy is they are using the dub. You want that real context, sub is the way to go. Let's see them do G Gundam.
  13. Should have just had this playing in the background
  14. @Thoth369Cosmos.
  15. Bruh. It's nostalgia overload for me as BTTF is one of my favorite movies. This is the toy version of a Reese's peanut butter cup. I now have transformable versions of my two favorite vehicles in sci-fi. Yes, you can do the "flight" mode. It also has a plug at the bottom for flight poses. It's not perfect, but it hits all of the right notes well enough that you just don't care.
  16. Perhaps. If you can find that knowledge beyond the brain in some sort of peer review study or some sort of repeatable trial, I'd agree. Not saying the possibility isn't there, but there's gotta be some sort of proof.
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