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Everything posted by Illwill88

  1. Funny you say that about gundam, a couple weeks ago I decided to try to get into it from the beginning and I had to jump through hoops. The original trilogy just happened to be streaming free on the gundam youtube they periodically rotate which series is there so I got lucky. Gundam origin was on hulu, zeta was no where to be found, it was on the gundam yt but got removed. So only physicals for that and it's going to be pricey to get the whole series.
  2. I've been having it pop up without needing reload it just pops up at asking if I want to show new posts.
  3. East coast here as well, iirc I'm only like a hour from darc but never played him.
  4. Yeah streams are affecting how everybody does their albums. I heard the short songs and short albums also go back to streams, they want you to burn through it faster so you can play it more and more.
  5. I'm fine with the shorter album trend. But if they shorten the album I expect less skipped songs since that should equal less filler. The best albums will always be the concise pointed efforts. Nigga I don't need a double disc full of throw away songs so you can get your streams up
  6. Yeah you can do stuff dirty stuff with both, but the trade-off for losing all the options from vs1 ain't worth it.
  7. Yeah depending on what you end tc with you get something. Vs1 you get dash up mp or hp, clap hits meaty on wakeup if you cancel into it, and after heavy elbow you get f.hp.
  8. I can't argue with that logic. I haven't even used lauras vs2 outside of when the update dropped. Something about it seems janky to me. I should try it out because nobody ever uses it or her vt2
  9. Me personally its guile game plan is super simple Chuck booms and flash kick whenever someone's feet leave the ground. He's got the loops if you wanna style on somebody and can rush down if necessary
  10. Westside gunn and freddie gibbs have been two of my favorites these past few years.
  11. Ps I gotta stan roc Marci in here dude is too fly while also being lyrical.
  12. 2nd childhood perfectly describes that one dude everybody knows
  13. I definitely get the logic behind it, it just works best that way for me because I'm hardly ever home. My internet went out from a storn not too long ago and still having physical discs came in clutch for having something to watch.
  14. I use to pirate everything but now I'm a stand up citizen getting nickel and dimed for who knows how many different streaming services. Getting unlimited data justified it for me I guess lol.
  15. The ye album got him roasted to death online. On paper it sounded like it was going to be groundbreaking, but it didn't pan out. I don't have a favorite album by him but made you look is probably favorite song from him.
  16. Luckily I saw all the drama first, otherwise dang you forgot me again lol. I'm going to have to do something to be more memorable maybe I'll become some sort of villain somehow or something, maybe a big troll idk...
  17. King's disease is a huge step up from his last couple albums, though that ain't saying much.
  18. Just saw the srk stuff so I'm here too. 🤷
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