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Everything posted by Illwill88

  1. We'll have to do a fgc based onlyfans. We tell ragequitters and tea baggers how good they are at the game and it's all everyone else's fault. Customized smash package where we agree that smash is the greatest fighting game of all time. We'll be rich.
  2. I can't knock the hustle though. If I could beat off and make 100k+ I'd probably do it. I already do it for free.
  3. I wasn't a huge fan of the latest LOX album either. A couple decent joints here and there but meh. Jhene Aiko seems like she got that good good but might be psycho on the low πŸ˜‚
  5. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ yes like those games. I even put a edit saying like gg (never played gbf) before y'all commented.
  6. Off the top of my head for 2d games at least they could do a side scroller type of mini game to familiarize you with characters and game mechanics in general. You pick ryu certain enemies would only be able to be killed certain ways. These would be easy to kill low level guys (low,high,overhead) etc. Maybe a enemy that has some sort of projectile and you tatsu him, one that jumps that's gotta be aa'd But so on until you reach a boss and put it all together. Then do this for the whole cast and have higher difficulty ones for each character with unlocks and shit to keep people motivated. Then when they play online they have a decent grasp. Edit-and yes I realize this is really similar to gg's tutorial but I'm talking about making more of a mini game of it.
  7. Absolutely right, hopefully developers figure it out and strike the right balance. But in the end everyone won't be pleased. When it's all said and done fighting games are niche for the most part. There's a couple exceptions but they're just that. The core fighting game fans and casuals are looking for different things. Hopefully a game will be able to deliver something for everybody.
  8. This is pretty much what I was trying to say. Story mode is cool and all but if they're expecting people to pay 60 (soon to be 70) dollarsn they're going to have to make fighting games jam packed. Mini games, challenges, limited time events everything you see in other live service games. To be honest vanilla sfv should have been f2p.
  9. Fighting games are kind of inherently bad for story modes. You can't really do like other games because there's no main character or allow created characters. I would like to see developers do a story that's separate like a rpg, or the mk game where you played like a co-op game where you did combos together and shit . Then the regular fighting game is separate with online, training mode etc etc. At the end of the day the standard fighting game doesn't have enough content for casuals. MK is the only one off the top of my head that does. I'm well aware they have the team and budget to do it. Johnny casual doesnt want to spend full price on a game to only have a half ass arcade mode and online so he can get shit on all day.
  10. Pretty much all my friends got their asses whooped. I'm black but my two best friends were white and Hispanic. I don't think anybody thinks white kids don't get beat, it's just if someone is going to go head to head with their parents stereotypically it's a white kid. At least that was the running joke in 90' s early 2000's media.
  11. I don't really mind any of the newcomers. I wouldn't say I hate them but I would not be sad at all if we lost ed,falke, and abigail though
  12. I used to check in on a music forum from time to time so I'm used to those hot takes. The hard part is figuring out who really means it and who is trolling.
  13. C'mon man that was obvious bait. And this is coming from someone who doesn't know shit about the beatles.
  14. I don't know what you're referring to I play precise calculated footsies and fundamentals πŸ€”
  15. Hopefully you're good @Volt. I saw him mention taking a break too after that yesterday. Maybe it was something else going on personally. I don't see him leaving after that, but who knows
  16. @Vhozite yeah but outside of punishing slide I'm not sure what I could do in that mu. I mean yeah I got the ball rolling after kd but I was practically flailing till I got something lol.
  17. Gg's @Vhozite hopefully I can put up a better fight next time lol. I told you I can't do anything against vega with Laura. I just started sagat today maybe I'll have better bnbs next time if I stick w him lol.
  18. My sagat sucks but I wanted to get some practice with him.
  19. Idk why but it kicked me from the lounge when y'all finished Nvm- martian you dickhead lol
  20. Okay I was wondering why I couldn't join the lounge lol
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