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Everything posted by Chun-Li_Forever

  1. Happy SD Comic Con everyone. Really hoping we get a tease or reveal this weekend.
  2. So much mashing, it's giving me a headache. But looks like you can link st.lp from Punish Counter Legs. (Possible extending it into st.lp, LK SBK?)
  3. My prediction is Chun-Li's Perfect animation is going to bring back the "Yatta" That, or they gonna have her be twerkin.
  4. I found Chun-Li's Win quote to Jamie. Seen at the end of this video here. It's fading out, so pause to see it real quick. But it's interesting. Chun-Li to Jamie: "Fancy yourself a peacekeeper, don't you? That's fine and all, but mind your manners." Jamie is known as they local peacekeeper in Chinatown. So we already got a similarity of how Chun-Li fought for peace and justice when she was younger. And now Jamie is doing the same, though starting small on a local level. I'm not sure if Chun-Li continues to do so, since she's probably busy teaching kids kung fu. She is a respected member of the community, so either her reputation precedes her (she's so legendary that no one would dare mess with her and her town), or Chun-Li continues to protect her community outside of her job. Jamie aspires to follow the example of Yun and Yang, but correct me if I'm wrong with this. But isn't Yun and Yang partially following in the footsteps and look up to Chun-Li? So Jamie is a mere 2 degrees away from Ms. Legendary Lighting Legs herself. Of course, Chun-Li is quick to point out for the young blood Jamie to respect his elders. I'm guessing this could me out of more than just respect. But Chun-Li was indeed an emotionally driven, and headstrong character in her Alpha years. And it certainly has landed her into trouble more than once. Maybe Chun-Li wants Jamie to not let his youthful inexperience and attitude to take for granted the important things in life. Now granted, we've yet to see any real deep emotional connections to anything with Jamie. He's just a fun character ready to make some noise and some impact. But later down the line, maybe he'll find something worth fighting for that might have to take seriously? It's interesting to think about. And I'm curious how Chun's and Jamie's relationship will pan out, seeing as both have connections to Yun and Yang.
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