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Everything posted by Sonero

  1. Streaming era is cool until you're trying to find some specific stuff. Gundam hiding movies 2 and 3 of the OG ones.
  2. Hey man, sometimes parents just dont understand.
  3. You make a poster out of it and hang it on a wall. Anytime you make somebody that mad after a game, it means you leveled up hard. Like the time I got called a poor minority. Wish I'd made somebody so mad in game that they write soap opera plots about me.
  4. Maybe, but my nightmare is kinda leveling up. Now they are nightmares with social commentary. My nightmare last night had references to another dream. Its a weird development.
  5. Gonna have to hook up the PS4 so i can get mad at the netcode playing you youngings. 🤔 Play me in ST instead.
  6. Morning fellas. I am sleeping like sh-t.
  7. Trying out new lands. Seeing new features. Apparently this is all done with free Vanilla software. Imagine what misterBee would've done with 24k a year nonsense?
  8. Hey guys, since misterBee loves this place and has put tonnes of love into it, there is this nice profile feature for it. In the profile, you can put your info for PSN, Xbox, Fightcade and I think CFN/Steam along with the games you play. Fill it out and then dudes can just click on your name to find out how to hit you up.
  9. Bro, I'm watching this with my best friend right now. Subaru is the f-ing worst. THE WORST.
  10. Also @beesuit my ban got moved from March 31st to April 1st. I guess to add extra pettiness to the situation. Also wasn't so much a cry for help but a of "well fuck you, I quit to be left alone and its your responsibility to make it happen as admin". So i guess it did and now we have our new misterBee overlord. 🙏
  11. You seriously have no idea how many dog dongs I had to delete from GD because of Angelpalm. much furry nonsense. Just so damn much.
  12. LMAO, that's gonna be hella people suddenly asking going "Wtf happened to P?" That'd be dope but I definitely do not want to run it.
  13. Imma fill this up with nonsensical furry nonsense for all the headaches you gave me over in SRK. Nothing but dog dongs in Mega 🌩ī¸ .
  14. Stuff that I knew already from being in the discord for the Early Access but still bad ass. Its just an amazingly well put together game. My favorite part about it is that it, among with a bunch of other games, show how much of a folly a lot of high graphic games are. Don't get me wrong, the visuals in Horizon Zero Dawn, Bloodborne, Ghost of Tsunishima are amazing. But then you get a game like Hades that isnt' doing any of that, looks great, runs at 60 FPS and provides gameplay of more hours than those big budget games. Its something. @Angel I know you loved Wizard of Legend (which is fucking sick). Not sure if you have a gaming PC or not, but when if you do, buy Hades. Game is just as sick.
  15. Well the thing was that with pages, you could sort of leisurely keep track of convos and stuff. Then it was easy to link to the start of a conversation by linking to said page. Scrolling made it really weird to look for info. New pages were also hype AF when things were going quickly. When some shi- goes down and there's new pages...😂 👌
  16. Its so weird having pages again. Not complaining about it; but after all the time in discourse it feels like we just went through a software change again. Wack ass discourse doesn't have this dope ass MvC1 background though. 😤
  17. We should have a MegaShock Thunderdome. New Forum, New Rules: Everybody fightin'. 😤
  18. Pretty f-ing sick, not gonna lie. This is dope as all hell. Like if SRK had used Vanilla for this, we'd be doing full Wayne's World "We're not worthy" chants.
  19. Its kinda weird. The insane bullshit over at SRK was sort of keeping a lot bottled up. But I had to steel myself to deal with all the chemo trips and other things involving my mom. I've sorted of started cracking after getting banned by d3v. Not because the ban affected me per say, but because once I didn't have trifle nonsense to deal with, my brain went into processing the big loss. So Its tough right now. My daughter notices that I'm just not at full dad mode. Mind you that I was doing home schooling with her and keeping her on a very set schedule...then everything with my mom went down on her last few weeks and its been a lot of turmoil after a month of stability. But hey, SRK is now down with an admin who will protect gnarly ass bullshit and apologize to the people saying fucked up shit in PMs he read and did nothing about. Even more so, he'll apologize to the person who said the bullshit in public. Either way, Imma be chillin in here if y'all don't mind. I know left the discord. like I told misterBee, rather communicate in honest to god forums than in chit chatty chatrooms and all that jazz. 😂
  20. Yep, some nut took a thread conversations to PM. Messaged me at random while I was at my mom's house. Told him I didnt want to talk about his bullshit because my daughter had just broken her arm and my mom had cancer (was just browsing SRK to chill). Then he sent me a fucked up PM comparing my mom's cancer to SRK. Its all on the lounge. Dude sent me non-apology after she died blaming me for misinterpreting that PM. Then some other stuff and BAM, back to having pages.
  21. Sorry 'bout that. Didn't think a full blown SRK desertion would happen.
  22. @misterBee How much can you customize the forums? Also do you mind if we do our own forum events? Tournaments, among us stuff, other silly stuff?
  23. Seguro papo, only thing your having for lunch is deez nuts.
  24. Mi genteeeee! Guess now Im officially here with a new name.
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