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Everything posted by Sonero

  1. Make sure you adjust your bike seat to the proper height. I had a lot of ankle issues biking until I shifted the seat properly. You have to ensure proper leg extension while riding.
  2. Article on 100 Most influential Sequences in Animation....Sure I'll read that. >Grave of the Fireflies is in it. Yeah, my emotions can't handle anything from that movie, internet. Internet needs to leave the F alone with all that.
  3. Man...all the Secret Santa homies coming out of their slumber all happy to get ready for it. Man that one is legit kinda heartbreaking. :sob:
  4. ducked my age question. I think there's certain age groups that are going to respond differently to Eva. Its similar to something that goes on when people talk about Cowboy Bebop. I've noticed a lot of younger anime viewers say that it sucks (which is preposterous but I'll hold off on that for the moment). Why do you feel Evangelion sucks?
  5. Pretty sure ASMR has people who actively view it on some sort of watch list. Or at least I'd hope so.
  6. Hmm... On SRK since 09...late 20s early 30s, aye? 🧐
  7. Bro wtf is that gif even? Now i'm gonna have to put that on tonight to verify all of it.
  8. I haven't tried Darling in the Franxx yet. Heard its basically Eva without the good parts.
  9. Wait, how did he blame DarkSakul? 🧐 I lowkey been thinking about hitting up Wiz to see if I can get unbanned. Worked during April's Fools. 👀
  10. Tim Pool always honest. Dont makenme link some videos here.
  11. You can post actual porn in the porn thread now. SRK literally has no mods. I thought about emailing Wiz about getting unbanned. Not sure what that Chaos God would end up doing to the situation though. 😂😂😂
  12. I'm surprised the Lounge doesnt have more posts. What happened there is basically an extinction level event for the website. Nobody can really ignore it with a straight face.
  13. I keep vascillating between making a news thread (just a place to post news articles of daily news we find important) or not. Dont want it to turn into the election thread 2.0 on accident. Which sucks because just regular news filtering is super handy
  14. Just busting your chops. I know what I said may have felt vague, like a strange cry for help, rabble rousing and/or all sorts of different erratic behaviors. It was just interesting seeing how people took in the info. There was a post made earlier where I defend myself against some of the claims in SRK. It was never my intention to get people to quit it. But now that Preppy outed himself and out the whole convo out, I hope it makes some sense why I made the decisions I did. That dude is out of his mind and d3v enabled him something fierce. Series Finale of the SRK Lounge had a crazy ending though. 😂
  15. Could've sworn you werent too fond of how I handled things and all that jazz. What up Lantis?
  16. We're all a living eulogy to our parents. Whether or not you were able to do a public speaking engagement is irrelevant. Every action you take because of a lesson they taught you reflects on the life they lead as people. If your father was worth honoring, then you would have done so a hundred fold by now. Any time you do something and remember your dad fondly, you did a service to their memory.
  17. While I understand that we are in a new forum and we are l finding our bearings. There is one thing we should not allow to take root in this. We must educate future generations on the danger of mudshow cosplay wrestling. Keep your shoes clean and your costumes in hallowern. 👏
  18. Thank you. Its going to be tricky because I may have to deliver it in Spanish. Two other people will be speaking: a close friend of hers and my brother in law. Both of them are also spanish speakers. Its going to take me some time to iron out the word choices. My Spanish vocabulary has been demolished by living in the US so long. Its going to be a bit challenging. I'll definitely post a translation here though. If my emotions are going to get hit with a Gigaton Punch, everybody is getting it.
  19. Alright...think I have this eulogy locked down. No dry eyes allowed at the funeral home. Only problem is the speaking order.
  20. Boy, I'm trying to put together my mom's eulogy in my head. Man, I habe a bunch of disparate parts but no real way to approach it.
  21. Never got to eat burgers there. Any good?
  22. Disclaimer: none of these guys can aim.
  23. Not yet. But since this us MegaShock and not SRK, we can discuss the merits of it with civility.
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