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Everything posted by Sonero

  1. These MvC3 Modders are going way too crazy with this. Also holy shit, throw Blanka in the trash:
  2. If you guys need a really fun and super solid roguelite, Astra Ascent is crazy good. It's a little bit weird with lack of tutorial and a whole lot of text in the abilities. But its a minor inconvenience at how great everything about it is.
  3. Its weird, I like the design but I don't know that its a street fighter main costume design.
  4. ItzPookie was an SRKer whom was a regular in the lounge thread for SF5. You'd think that forum raised people to do better but then they show off their ass like that. 😭
  5. You can thank bad parenting and No Child Left Behind. You know all those policies about grading schools and shutting them down? All it leads to is school districts bending over backwards to show passing grades. They keep blaming teachers even though they have fuck all to do with any of this.
  6. Yeah. Blackbird was terrible too. Actually so far this entire album is awful. It might just be the black delegation's answer to MGK's rap career.
  7. If you guys haven't listened to it yet, you HAVE to listen to Beyonce's cover of Jolene. That thing is up there with Ghostbusters 2016 and Cats 2019 in quality. Its insane what they were able to achieve.
  8. Honestly, this may not be the official start date of it but goddamn with The Last Jedi. There's a group of people whose sole existence is to defend some shit from their childhood and not let it go. With FGs its weird because people aren't willing to actually get into the nitty gritty of stuff. There is a wide gulf between thinking something sucks and thinking something is actively bad. Unfortunately the FGC is in a weird spot because it isn't making the games (and when it does make games they kinda end....interesting). So you have to accept whatever ridiculousness some devs in Japan decided was appropriate with little testing and call it a life. The funniest is when people say " oh this character sucks because he can't do X, Y and Z". And like...have you considered that maybe the character should hold some type of L somewhere design wise? Bleh. Flaws are only for grapplers.
  9. @elliephil Bro Ryan Hart's gaslighting of 3S parries might be one of the greatest post SRK troll moves ever. This man is working over time on this shit.
  10. Just remembered that I really did get banned over an April's Fools joke on SRK. Also its my anniversary! 😤
  11. so you do like a fuzzy mash input with parry? Pick a side then you delay parry to cover cross ups overhead?
  12. Damn, MegaShock has the real ballers. Ryan Hart blown the fuck out. Dude gotta debase himself by being a podcaster and engagement hound on twitter. Meanwhile casual players getting top 8. 😤
  13. Went to a Strive local, got 2nd place, won 15 bucks. Go me! 😤
  14. What I'm saying is that a lot of "old heads" don't want to talk about how they took advantage of system things that were that way to make life easier for players. Increased throw invul frame is a direct contrast to SF2 where you could get dunked at times. Its dishonest to say the system is easier now when being able to fully wake up with hella defensive protection is something you can do in 3S. There are things that are strong to the point of being scrubby in older games. Like bro, how much out playing is 3S Ken really doing? The guy has the best offense, best confirms from multiple buttons etc. Chun is even wilder. You think dudes are carried because the second half of the cast is strong than before? Chun beats 15 characters for free with 2 buttons: and st.hp. "Oh no modern games are so baby shit". Yeah, totally. The thing about MvC3 that made it baby shit was that the best zoner in the game couldn't do a full screen projectile on his incoming opponent, disable their ability to block by doing it and then ToD them from full screen. There's system stuff that sucked flaming ass in older games. People exploited it. It made the game harder for reasons that were, if we're being honest, actually bad. I love these old games but they have flaws. Some of them were from design mechanics that didn't work as intended, other are glitches, etc. The way people talk about games in the FGC lacks so much nuance. There's too much of people talking about both sides of their mouth when it comes to system and design stuff.
  15. Some of the points were disingenous or purposefully framed in a way to shit on new games. Old games are full of mistakes that were exploited to hell and back. We can like them, but it would be insane to say that a character in a modern SF game should have all the properties ST Vega has on his moveset. His 3S example was nonsense too. He skirted around Chris T's question to make 3S look better on the oki situations. Funniest part gotta be him saying parry didn't matter in that situation. Bro, you have 6 frames of throw invul on wake up on top of parry. The moment you wake up and walk forward, a parry got buffered in there. Be real fam. I've done walk up wake up throw to win games too. But I didn't do it in games with the benefit of actual system shit enabling it. System only matters when its convenient.
  16. This whole podcast makes everybody here look like the worst type of smug asshole. There's some level of zero self awareness from top FG players that's makes me not wanna be involved with the whole scene TBH.
  17. The issue with top players is that they can't sort out whether average strength of characters is better so they're running into more mid players with better tools than they used to. Because character parity is getting better, and mid level players are better equipped overall (say people like me running the cast rather than top players but at the top too), then the information you need to succeed becomes larger. That information is making games feel random. Funny enough when I tell people smaller casts are better and they flip, this is what I'm referring to. The situation now too is far more perilous because a mid level player like me has significantly more, and better, practice. I'll have better understanding of match ups, I'll have more practice in them (because online got better), I'll have more access to higher end tech. The skill floor is a lot higher in some ends. That means that when a top player fucks up, they are really going to get railed hard. This wasn't necessarily the case before. Even when SRK was popping, the people who had access to the tech and access to a scene with enough quality players to prepare for match ups was a different issue. Justin is the King in MvC2, Justin also benefitted from being in a hyperbolic time chamber compared to the rest of the country in that game (this is not all dismissive of the GOAT by the way). When it comes to Japan vs USA, there are some things that Japan does better overall. Had a homie who got stationed in Korea and got to play a lot of SF5 online over there. The way he talked about how "low level" players over there played compared to over here was wild. Before that though, Japan had a bigger edge in geography. The world vs Japan was really, for the most part, the world against Tokyo. Tokyo as a city had better facilities to get good at these games while having a higher concentration of players than a lot of the planet. For the older games, that meant a lot. Netplay has done a lot to make the world flourish (Japan included in this too, in respect to Strive, Verix won and the guy is from Africa...fucking wild times in FGs). Yeah, older games are hard. But they're hard because they were trying to figure out how to make these things half the time. The other they were trying wild ideas which sometimes panned out, some times didn't. Games now a days are waaaay better designed overall than older ones. I love the old games too. But like Justin Wong told somebody in some interview: "In older games, a character just sucks because they have no way to combo into super." that situation doesn't really happen now a days. Where things get really weird is when certain tools become too punishing that they warp situations. For better or worse, Marissa is a scrub's best friend. Marissa/Abigail/Etc type of design is basically built to carry people. They may not want to admit it in their souls, but it leads to more fraudulent wins than not. Zero in MvC3 was a career maker. Zero is easily the most fraudulent character in any VS game. There are people who got farther in tournaments playing this character than they probably had any right of doing. But hey, that's what we signed up for. Once a character can disproportionately do damage on common situations, real randomness happens. Marissa did 80% on a reversal, you got outplayed I guess. Even in MvC2 if you still follow it, GeneralThrillah put in time with Iron Man/War Machine/Cable and grinded it out. But a lot of his wins were from random hit into 300%; that type of stuff is where things truly get random. We know there are people who are carried, we just don't talk about it. The FGC just don't have the vocabulary, insight or wisdom, to kinda talk about those things. So there are a lot of factors. Drive Rush and Drive Parry are still big iffy mechanics. I don't know how you fix Drive Rush because it means reworking a lot of frame data. Don't know if you can fix drive parry at all TBH. But it can't possibly be that the games have gotten easier yet the same people are still on top.
  18. One of you guys give me a TL;DR about w/e the fuck black people did now that Zaltacon had to make an alt to talk about it.
  19. Please no. Can't imagine RSF pressure backed up by drive rushes and drive cancels. It'd be nuts. Also, considering the awesome job they did overall with release roster and season 1, how can anybody say the next four characters are disappointing? We don't know what they're going to do with them. Odds are great that they'll be awesome to play though. If there's any company you should give the benefit of the doubt on the positive side, its definitely this one. NRS and ASW is "eh". Like I'm hype for the next character after the one that dropped today, but if we're being real we don't know wtf is going to happen. At least with SF6 I know the character is going to have some type of awesome going for it.
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