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Everything posted by Sonero

  2. Its funny, the game did not need a sequel but I'm still going to play the ever living shit out of it. Edit: actually on second thought, I'm gonna do what i do with movies and just go in blind. With movies I've found that skipping trailers altogether makes watching them substantially funner. So in this case, I already know I wanna play it so best to dodge. Thank you for looking out though, 🙏
  3. Kind of wild this new era of FGs were in. Now that top players are complaining about games, are we going to get people calling Knee a scrub for not adapting?
  4. Alex and Abel in the same game? Might as well name the whole thing to Street Fighter 5: Cuckpionship edition.
  5. Its going to be SA2 because FG devs are some of the dumbest people and they love repeating mistakes. I'm not even trying to be negative about this. Think they all get it in their heads that they're going to fix it this time and then it ends up being dumb shit all over again. 😂
  6. Gio used to be able to do that. That's also how Leo's current dash works. Clickbaiting people with basic info. SMH.
  7. Gonna find the post where I said JP being able to level 3 you from full screen was dumb shit so the non-believers can appreciate my gift of "sight." That said, Rashid deserves it.
  8. Dude you are so fucking ridiculous with it. Holy shit.
  9. These MvC3 Modders are going way too crazy with this. Also holy shit, throw Blanka in the trash:
  10. If you guys need a really fun and super solid roguelite, Astra Ascent is crazy good. It's a little bit weird with lack of tutorial and a whole lot of text in the abilities. But its a minor inconvenience at how great everything about it is.
  11. Its weird, I like the design but I don't know that its a street fighter main costume design.
  12. ItzPookie was an SRKer whom was a regular in the lounge thread for SF5. You'd think that forum raised people to do better but then they show off their ass like that. 😭
  13. You can thank bad parenting and No Child Left Behind. You know all those policies about grading schools and shutting them down? All it leads to is school districts bending over backwards to show passing grades. They keep blaming teachers even though they have fuck all to do with any of this.
  14. Yeah. Blackbird was terrible too. Actually so far this entire album is awful. It might just be the black delegation's answer to MGK's rap career.
  15. If you guys haven't listened to it yet, you HAVE to listen to Beyonce's cover of Jolene. That thing is up there with Ghostbusters 2016 and Cats 2019 in quality. Its insane what they were able to achieve.
  16. Honestly, this may not be the official start date of it but goddamn with The Last Jedi. There's a group of people whose sole existence is to defend some shit from their childhood and not let it go. With FGs its weird because people aren't willing to actually get into the nitty gritty of stuff. There is a wide gulf between thinking something sucks and thinking something is actively bad. Unfortunately the FGC is in a weird spot because it isn't making the games (and when it does make games they kinda end....interesting). So you have to accept whatever ridiculousness some devs in Japan decided was appropriate with little testing and call it a life. The funniest is when people say " oh this character sucks because he can't do X, Y and Z". And like...have you considered that maybe the character should hold some type of L somewhere design wise? Bleh. Flaws are only for grapplers.
  17. @elliephil Bro Ryan Hart's gaslighting of 3S parries might be one of the greatest post SRK troll moves ever. This man is working over time on this shit.
  18. Just remembered that I really did get banned over an April's Fools joke on SRK. Also its my anniversary! 😤
  19. so you do like a fuzzy mash input with parry? Pick a side then you delay parry to cover cross ups overhead?
  20. Damn, MegaShock has the real ballers. Ryan Hart blown the fuck out. Dude gotta debase himself by being a podcaster and engagement hound on twitter. Meanwhile casual players getting top 8. 😤
  21. Went to a Strive local, got 2nd place, won 15 bucks. Go me! 😤
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