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Everything posted by Sonero

  1. This whole podcast makes everybody here look like the worst type of smug asshole. There's some level of zero self awareness from top FG players that's makes me not wanna be involved with the whole scene TBH.
  2. The issue with top players is that they can't sort out whether average strength of characters is better so they're running into more mid players with better tools than they used to. Because character parity is getting better, and mid level players are better equipped overall (say people like me running the cast rather than top players but at the top too), then the information you need to succeed becomes larger. That information is making games feel random. Funny enough when I tell people smaller casts are better and they flip, this is what I'm referring to. The situation now too is far more perilous because a mid level player like me has significantly more, and better, practice. I'll have better understanding of match ups, I'll have more practice in them (because online got better), I'll have more access to higher end tech. The skill floor is a lot higher in some ends. That means that when a top player fucks up, they are really going to get railed hard. This wasn't necessarily the case before. Even when SRK was popping, the people who had access to the tech and access to a scene with enough quality players to prepare for match ups was a different issue. Justin is the King in MvC2, Justin also benefitted from being in a hyperbolic time chamber compared to the rest of the country in that game (this is not all dismissive of the GOAT by the way). When it comes to Japan vs USA, there are some things that Japan does better overall. Had a homie who got stationed in Korea and got to play a lot of SF5 online over there. The way he talked about how "low level" players over there played compared to over here was wild. Before that though, Japan had a bigger edge in geography. The world vs Japan was really, for the most part, the world against Tokyo. Tokyo as a city had better facilities to get good at these games while having a higher concentration of players than a lot of the planet. For the older games, that meant a lot. Netplay has done a lot to make the world flourish (Japan included in this too, in respect to Strive, Verix won and the guy is from Africa...fucking wild times in FGs). Yeah, older games are hard. But they're hard because they were trying to figure out how to make these things half the time. The other they were trying wild ideas which sometimes panned out, some times didn't. Games now a days are waaaay better designed overall than older ones. I love the old games too. But like Justin Wong told somebody in some interview: "In older games, a character just sucks because they have no way to combo into super." that situation doesn't really happen now a days. Where things get really weird is when certain tools become too punishing that they warp situations. For better or worse, Marissa is a scrub's best friend. Marissa/Abigail/Etc type of design is basically built to carry people. They may not want to admit it in their souls, but it leads to more fraudulent wins than not. Zero in MvC3 was a career maker. Zero is easily the most fraudulent character in any VS game. There are people who got farther in tournaments playing this character than they probably had any right of doing. But hey, that's what we signed up for. Once a character can disproportionately do damage on common situations, real randomness happens. Marissa did 80% on a reversal, you got outplayed I guess. Even in MvC2 if you still follow it, GeneralThrillah put in time with Iron Man/War Machine/Cable and grinded it out. But a lot of his wins were from random hit into 300%; that type of stuff is where things truly get random. We know there are people who are carried, we just don't talk about it. The FGC just don't have the vocabulary, insight or wisdom, to kinda talk about those things. So there are a lot of factors. Drive Rush and Drive Parry are still big iffy mechanics. I don't know how you fix Drive Rush because it means reworking a lot of frame data. Don't know if you can fix drive parry at all TBH. But it can't possibly be that the games have gotten easier yet the same people are still on top.
  3. One of you guys give me a TL;DR about w/e the fuck black people did now that Zaltacon had to make an alt to talk about it.
  4. Please no. Can't imagine RSF pressure backed up by drive rushes and drive cancels. It'd be nuts. Also, considering the awesome job they did overall with release roster and season 1, how can anybody say the next four characters are disappointing? We don't know what they're going to do with them. Odds are great that they'll be awesome to play though. If there's any company you should give the benefit of the doubt on the positive side, its definitely this one. NRS and ASW is "eh". Like I'm hype for the next character after the one that dropped today, but if we're being real we don't know wtf is going to happen. At least with SF6 I know the character is going to have some type of awesome going for it.
  5. The switch one seems way better (and more coherent). Which is unfortunate. It was basically running it back with the SFxT gem system but with more gameplay implications. Some of the stuff is cool as an idea, but in practice its...I don't know if I was gonna last in that game. Its bad enough having to block mix, but one of the things you could equip would make your character invisible. That's the most belligerent version of "HOLD THIS MIX, ASSHOLE" that can possibly exist. 😂 There's a whole conversation to be had about FG design there but is what it is. There's a lot of times where less is more. The tricky part is where to put the less.
  6. V.Rosso In SF6 would be so sick. Shit, should've copped that game during the Steam sale. I liked the game a lot, unfortunately the way they did their system where you could customize everything was a big downer. I like games where I can just play. Not gonna sit there and lab out super minute stuff on top of having to figure out my character.
  7. By the way, your wife's profile showed up on my FB's "people you may know" feed. Absolutely wild how hard FB had to reach on that one. Only reason I recognized it is because she has a pic of you with her. I was minding my own business and suddenly..."hey wtf, is that ellie?" 😂 Almost every evil people blamed as being solely in the FGC either wasn't or was significantly worse elsewhere. Its nutty TBH.
  8. I have a friend who is an avid bowler (and very good). You don't know how much crazy shit happens in competitive bowling. That shit is borderline FGC with some of the stuff they've said to each other on live broadcasts. Edit: They've even had their own version of the "hitbox" debate because of how one of the balls works. Truly lost brethren.
  9. Think a lot of people are gonna say they're about this life but aren't. Its gonna be interesting to see how bad she is outside of Jealous Rage. Feels like that's going to decide the overall strenght of this character.
  10. Garou is on sale for 5 dollars on the steam sale. If you wanna get a head start on dumb degenerate stuff, its a worthwhile investment. Looks like Garou sequel plays very similar to the original. So it wouldn't be bad to start building some muscle memory for feint cancels. They aren't hard but they are tricky.
  11. Dude...i'm highkey excited for how absolutely dumbshit this game is going to be. People have this meme idea of Garou. They don't actually know how flamingly ignorant the game actually is. Nothing that happens in that game is compatible with modern game design. Literally none of it. They already added red parry to the game (2 frame window for it according to Wong), so you know this is going to be a god damned disaster. 😂
  12. Damn, I could've sworn Doctrine was black.
  13. Kinda funny that we had that convo a while back about how parrying was better than blocking and its kinda beared out that way. Fishing for parries needs to have a bigger Outside of Neutral drive rush eating inputs, and maybe canceling into drive rush costing three bars instead of two, there doesn't feel like a lot is actually out of place with the system. People keep malding over throw loops but not sure wtf you'd do with them other than cuck them out.
  14. They should probably do something about parry whiff in neutral. I don't really like fishing for parries, but that was also an issue in 3S. Unless you give it a very visible whiff animation, there's not much they can do about it. But that also would imply that Capcom sees it as an issue.
  15. I mean, parries aren't doing anything shittier than what they would do in 3S. Actually, they are way tamer here because you get less damage and you don't have people jumping in for free. So everybody complaining about perfect parry should go to 3S and realize that game is trash adn so are parries. Then be thankful that the ones in SF6 are not as good. I agree on nerfing the system a bit. Feels like I didn't see that many drive rushes in neutral though. They should probably do something about dissuading that but other than that,meh.
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