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iStu X

MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by iStu X

  1. Probably. Doesn’t matter. Records still show he won. The best part of that top 8 was whenever he went on the main stage the crowd would boo until he was off stage
  2. The best thing is that in comparison to DSP gets thrown around a lot but people tend to forget that in the mid to late aughts DSP was winning major tournaments left and right. He even won Super Turbo at Evo West.
  3. Seriously Right? 😂 I’m 36 in November and most of my best friends throughout my life have been female. Cause you know, I’m mentally and emotionally mature enough to not see every woman as a sex object and I see them as people. Apparently that’s a wild as fuck concept 😂 If they end up being shitty then oops all berries. Life happens. That’s on them and not females as a whole. What a stupid fucking ways of thinking that’s been on display in this thread.
  4. Oh god. I didn’t notice these covers. I don’t know which is worse: Steve being okay with banging someone who reminds him of his mom or Emma being okay with being banged by someone who she reminds them of their mom. I just know I don’t wanna see either’s Hub’s history now.
  5. hell yeah I’m weird as fuck. It’s why I’m so fucking awesome.
  6. She didn’t. But okay. and you are literally saying she can’t say what she’s feeling. fuck these shitty ass takes are making my heart condition worse. Swear to a god
  7. “I agree with your sexist take but try to make it not sound so sexist” 😂😂😂😂
  8. Wcw booker bullshit aside Nash has always been a great dude. One of my favorites in all of wrestling.
  9. No, he isn’t. You’re just mad over really dumb sexiest reasons. im so done with this convo. 😂
  10. what they mean to say is “millennials don’t want to be worked to death for nothing so they want an achievable work/life balance”
  11. I’m surprised Strange Academy is still going. I picked up the first trade and hated it
  12. Except he isn’t and even admits such in Shu-Hulk. It’s why he has adrenaline and gamma regulator on his wrist. He also mentions how hard it is to control it still when it feels like multiple people are in his head telling him what to do. again. You’re getting your whole bad opinion based off a clip and not the context of the entire episode which allllll this is explored. Just fucking stop. Tbh it just seems to me that you’re salty about a female saying they’re better at something a male can also do. 😂
  13. Again. You’re seeing it without the context. Bruce keeps badgering her and belittling her saying she needs to do a-through-Z to learn how to control everything and she’s like “naw fam. I learned how to deal with my anger and control my anger. That’s the difference between us” she still laments and let’s Bruce train her on how to control certain aspects of being a hulk (which includes ways to even better control her anger) and they bond over it. She even finds common ground with him several times through their training.
  14. All of your complaining and arguments are kinda pointless to be honest since you only watched a single clip and without context. She never said she had it harder than Bruce. At all. Ever. She said (in a teasing and facetious way) she was better at it controlling her anger and being a hulk. She even says she learn to control her anger at an early age due to how she’s been treated her entire life due to being a woman. Constantly being belittled, harassed, cat called, looked down upon, never taken seriously, taken for granted, etc due to being a woman. It’s a valid statement cause it’s what pretty much every woman on this planet goes through. Edit; you can also tell as the series progresses a lot of her anger comes from how none of her family take her seriously. It’s not that she didn’t come from a loving home. It’s that regardless of what she does or how successful she becomes no one in her family seems to care.
  15. A lot of people love Hawkeye for the things you mentioned. Despite who his team mates are they all still see him as valuable. He’s the best archer in the world. though he’s not an iron fist or Shang chi he’s a expert to master level in various forms of martial arts. he’s a world class spy up there with Black Widow and Bucky. he invented and creates most of his specialized arrows. a master gymnast and he’s also an expert to master in other weapons as well like swords, knives, tonfa, bow staff and so on. He may not be as “cool” as Thor, Hulk or whatever but he shouldn’t be slept on.
  16. Hawkeye is worth the wAtch for Hailee Steinfeld alone. She’s so cute. 😍
  17. Im so fucking pumped for DQ Treasures. It seems like a lowkey entry to their DQ Monster series. Which is my favorite DQ spin off. God I love those games so much.
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