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Everything posted by M A R T I A N

  1. JDCR got a pupper and it's the exact same one as mine. Hopefully he's not as much of a baby as mine. 🙄
  2. 6 is way too far off for me to even bother entertaining the idea. Pretty much everyone I like is in V besides Makoto, but I'd love to get an Ibuki with ninja slide or an Akuma that can fucking jump backwards and throw fireballs. I know that's asking for alot Capcom, but.... I like all the new editions in V as well, wouldn't mind some of them coming back.
  3. I know she's good. I just much prefer how she feels in 3S. Same with Akuma
  4. Oh, I didn't know who that was lol This version of Ibuki makes me throw up in my mouth
  5. @Vhozite you been in this casual match for over ten minutes bruh
  6. Do you just wanna do some sets? I don't really feel like waiting either.
  7. I can play now if anyone wants. Just shitting around in Genshin Impact and 3S at the moment. Tag me on here or Discord if anybody wants to play something.
  8. Yeah. But again, common sense is one of the least common things this year.
  9. Anyone's who's spent any time playing fighting games on PC knows this. Cipher that dude that will argue with the assertion that water is wet. I think any other dude would see the term "dead" being used to describe a fighting game post 2015 and immediately understand that we're being hyperbolic. Obviously those games aren't LITERALLY dead. They are ghost towns on PC. But multiple posters have already said this ad nauseum, people just like being hard headed. 💁🏾‍♂️
  10. MisterBee once again proving he's a Saint by giving Cipher an in depth explanation that no human being with common sense would even need. What a G. I don't have that kind of patience. 😂
  11. Were you not JUST making fun of someone else for using Steamcharts....? Now you want it as a point of reference? Also how does one game being active disprove the fact that most ArcSys games are indeed ghost towns on PC....? Most clown shoes response possible.
  12. Yeah, ArcSys games are usually dead as fuck on PC. Lots of fighters are. Figures Cipher would deny something so easily provable.
  13. Nah. A reskin is exactly what it sounds like: a reskin. Videl's alternate costume is a reskin. Each Goku is a different character, sometimes with entirely different move sets. Even the ones with similar normals behave different. 2M is a very different button depending on which Goku you're playing, and that's just one example. Black, UI, and the fusions do not have the same model. I don't know how you could even look at those 4 characters and think they look like each other, outside of having spiky hair I guess...? The Vegeta's are even more different from each other than Blue, Base or SSJ Goku. 😂
  14. Did you try and send me a match invite on Fightcade the other day @DoctaMario?
  15. I saw that. Definitely getting Yakuza, maybe even the whole collection. Definitely gonna fill out my list of Sonic games. 🥴
  16. Yeah Master Mode is sick. I love how it forces you to be creative. I wish the normal game was something a little closer to that mode.
  17. It was an actual good Metroidvania before that just became another buzzword.
  18. I need to watch Iron Man 2 again to see if I still hate it just as much.
  19. Ah yeah, that sounds right. Yeah that server is chill with Cloud. I can see if he'll shoot you a link.
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