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Everything posted by scorp

  1. You guys remember the mid 90s Marvel Metal cards? I always saw them in ads as a kid and thought they were the coolest thing. Never bought any though, since I was poor lol Only had regular Marvel series cards. (which I also rebought 7 years ago to have a NM collection) But about 5 years ago, I went out and tried to complete the Marvel Metal set. Including the binder, promotional case toppers, uncut promo cards, poster and the giant Overpower cards from Wizards magazine. Only thing I got left is the flasher parallel set, which I should have bought a few years ago, but I think I'll get to it eventually.
  2. Thor at 2 definitely makes sense. Hulk should be up there too. Especially at WWH rage.
  3. My first Mega Man. Still the best soundtrack right? Not a bad midi in the entire game.
  4. Another thing I hate about AEW and NXT. That shit really kills my kayfabe.
  5. Nah I don’t think Alex is a troll. He’s fine. I meant that peepeepoopoo guy.
  6. Not enough typos. But definitely like Cynt or those ilk. Man, they got burned out brains.
  7. We make fun of TV shows always jumping the shark and most of them are on for a decade at the most. Aside from a few (South Park, Always Sunny)... But imagine finding new ideas for comics that have been around for 60 years lol
  8. Yea, that retarded quebecker. But mainly some supertroll with a banned avatar.
  9. lol Man that politics thread is just full of toxicity from that one dude. Literally drowning in toxicity.
  10. haha Nope, not Mark unfortunately. I do know that my buddy does have cousins in Cali though. But I assume every flip here does 😄
  11. Yea man, really good authentic chai is the best. We got a few local stores called Remedy, started by a Pakistani (so its authentic) and man do I love their hot chais. Got a few choices too Chai - $5.00 Kashmiri Chai - $5.00 Ginger Chai - $5.00 Matcha Chai - $5.00 Vanilla Rooibos Chai - $5.00 Dirty Chai - $7.00 You would probably love the vanilla rooibos, super sweet and delicious.
  12. I really miss my Eddie Papi tshirt 😭
  13. Actually super easy to hide it. Just click the x in the upper right side of the sig.
  14. Jazz and Grimlock were my first 2 TF toys... I think I must have them.
  15. Speaking of Surfer... Let's get some nostalgia flowing through here.
  16. I feel you maxx. Plenty of failed WWE angles end in "could have should have" haha Probably why I haven't been emotionally/mentally invested in WWE for a few years now. Can't be disappointed if you don't care.
  17. I know it's stupid OP... But I'd have Surfer's power cosmic. He's definitely one of my favourite designs. Having so much power to do whatever you want. Riding a surfboard across the cosmos. Meeting millions of alien galaxies. Giving people a taste of the power cosmic like he did in Requiem. Just all around a cool dude. And thankfully a good guy...
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