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Everything posted by scorp

  1. Hey guys... Any suggestions for rappers that still have the 2000s Bay Area sound?
  2. When Preppy returns to SRK and Sonero De La Muerte follows him right after
  3. Aubrey just knows how to do that stupid hot awkward-but-not-really-awkward thing. I hate it. It's so many dudes weakness. And Olsen is just smoking.
  4. Ok sweet. I think I need a list of name changes lol
  5. I dunno if anyone still plays MMOs... But I loaded up Neverwinter yesterday after a 6 year absence. Game is still fun for a F2P game. Not sure how long I'll play, but its probably the best D&D MMO.
  6. Hilarious just reading all of this. 2000 SRK - FUCK YOU AND KILL YOURSELF, RETARD. 2020 SRK spiritual successor - My knees and joints hurt. Father time with the OCV.
  7. The whole sequence of events may have been a final Burning Hammer on SRK PIN HIM!!!
  8. Who the fuck is paying for that place to exist then!? Aside from GD... Nobody uses that site lol I guess "Lazybones" is still make articles on the front page? I'm so confused lol
  9. haha I have like 5 weeks of vacation to use every year and they won't let us transfer it to the next year. So I pretty much extended every stat holiday by 2 days and took around 2 weeks off in December.
  10. Thanksgiving coming up on Monday for us 🇨🇦 I also took two extra days off to extend it, which means its only a 2 day week for me. Woo.
  11. One of the dudes said it in politics. I forget who.
  12. Oh I'm sure there are a few people over 40 in here lol
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