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Everything posted by scorp

  1. I wish there was an anime thread so I could safely peruse this saloon thread.
  2. I wonder who are the oldest people here? I'm 37 in Dec.
  3. We got 5 Stanley Cups and 14 Grey Cups though! 😅
  4. Never seen it, but I know its famous for putting my city in it... For whatever reason, they thought putting a Canadian city of a million people in an anime.
  5. Oh yea man, we raided that place since the early 2000s for avatars on SRK lol What was that dudes name again that ran it? Fuck I forget his name. But I know he LOVED that suave dude from Last Blade.
  6. Did you check TFG?
  7. Too many dishonest arguments in political threads.
  8. I knew you would be the one to make this thread lul
  9. What about maxx? And my bro HD-Man? I think he has an account, but doesn't post here.
  10. @Lantis Thank you for using an animated av.
  11. Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?
  12. The Election thread is gonna keep it afloat. Cause that's one toxic thing I don't want in here lol
  13. When I made my post about the activity in all the SRK forums, I won't lie I was super surprised. That site is actually dead aside from GD. I thought there was still fighting game talk in other places, but no... It's a barren wasteland. Whoever is paying to keep that site alive is definitely throwing money away.
  14. Can't be. He's walking so his quads aren't torn. (I do understand the reference tho lol)
  15. Ahh, Owen transcended nationalities. Wrestling fans from around the world mourned his passing. I still remember I made an Owen arm band for high school the Tuesday after RAW with an old belt and white out.
  16. We could really use that sad reaction emoji about now
  17. He does look more Cuban though lol Bring back a Razor gimmick.
  18. Bingo. He's very plain in the ring, albeit still more exciting than Miz/Orton. But his ridiculous entrances and over the top outfits coupled with his desire to bleed and die for the fans make for an interesting dynamic. At least his tattoo looks slightly less worse with his black hair 😄
  19. I'm not a Cody mark at all, but I think his gimmick is incredible. He's going to bleed like a stuck pig tonight.
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