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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. Problem always happens when a company goes unchallenged in an area for awhile cause then they start catching the 'where else are you gonna get this?' attitude. Dif between EA and 2K is that 2K didn't buy up a license to push other competition completely out of the equation unlike what EA did with Madden. 2K pretty much earned their status then started getting this way cause EA keeps shitting the bed on Live.
  2. You are correct. Forgot Ravioli was a bird for a moment. Pretty sure dude is gonna give everyone shit about needing gliders and he doesn't cause he has that much ego.
  3. Shows different outfits for Link and more footage of the 4 champions and Impa. Also looks like they all had gliders.
  4. I miss hearing Yipes commentating this game lol. Glad they got him for this coast. Edit: Jesus...Double L took out LK 5-0. That shit was rough .
  5. Well it would def help with him not having a low 2 L. Maybe they could speed the start up by a couple frames and then give the move more recovery for balance? Black has good tools and buttons and excellent movement but he's just not good anchor material.
  6. I watched some of the US tourney last night and Reynald is killing it with Krillin. The game looks like its in a really good place righr now in terma of balance among charactera with the different team builds I'm seeing. Just needs a few more tweaks to some of the lower tiered characters and it could reach a great place.
  7. Switch has broken a new record in being the top selling console for 22 months consecutively
  8. Phil said in an interview with Kotaku that the future of Banjo is up to Rare I know how people are about Kotaku but I'm just posting the source per usual.
  9. Nothing wrong with having ToD's in the pocket for as many situations as possible imo. Focus on them? No of course not but being able to suddenly delete a character off of your opponents team at a moments notice is pretty valuable.
  10. Sitting on clouds has the Minecraft tracks from Smash for those interested. Never listened to any Minecraft music so don't know what to expect.
  11. Microsoft says they will have 30 games at launch
  12. Gamechops is putting out Zelda and Chill 2 on 11/13 The first is highly recommended from me. This is gonna be a long wait.
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