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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. I'm watching this now and holy fuck EA. 'We'll help you with publishing this title...only after you change 90% of the game'. SMH
  2. Definitely prefer her 4 theme WAAAAY over her V theme. 4 theme I feel fits her personality perfectly. Like Torelezan's arrangement.
  3. Juri's theme I believe was in the album before hand. I like a good chunk of SFV's music.
  4. I haven't listened to much of the themes and music in SFV Champion Edition but they did put up a new album on sittingonclouds for those interested.
  5. This is more so about Gears Tactics coming to the xbox consoles. Also talking about a character from Tactics coming to Gears 5 multiplayer.
  6. Apparently EA copy pastad FIFA 21 on the switch with no improvements ovee FIFA 20 which in itself was a complete copy pasta of FIFA 19. So IGN literally copy pasta'd their review for FIFA 20 for FIFA 21
  7. Have you already 'hid your power level' from your nephew first? I usually try just enough so that it looks close and may even let them win some rounds. The moment any of them start talking serious shit I make sure to 'break the scouter' the next match.
  8. I da know man...there were a lot of reports from people who played the game from reviewers and not reviewers that remarked how buggy and horrible the performance was. It was pretty clear that Ubisoft overshot their budget for having NPC's on the screen at one time for a launch title game on the then new machines on top of the other problems the game had. You might have had a near bug free experience but its pretty clear that a good few didnt. Is it Bethesda level? No...nowhere near. But I can't say the issues people had when the game first came out were overblown.
  9. Not liking that if you put vids in spoilers you can't see what it is...thats same as SRK though but I did read those rules put forth by Angel so may take more work. Also here
  10. Gotta say I'm loving the animated avatars. Giving me some old SRK vibes.
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