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Everything posted by Doctrine_Dark

  1. How the fukk did she even get up for round 3? That shyt was basically a Mortal Kombat stage fatality.
  2. You know me far too well. The dream was dead after that. I just started putting in my real initials soon after. I'd walk by and see my name at the top after watching people get game overs fighting Onslaught in MVC1.
  3. This is all I want from fighting games going forward. One of my fav features from the old school days. It always allowed me to feel like I was on top of the world. You know what that was? Entering my initials after beating that game. There was always something magical about it. I really miss that feature. Nowadays I have to play SF 30th Anniversary to replicate that. Or other old games. I need it.
  4. I think I might have to get it on PS4 for now. Mainly because my old ass peripherals are only usable on PS4 games. I can't use them on PS5 games. I'm still in the prehistoric times. I believe there's the option to upgrade it to the PS5 version for free, so that's good to know. Don't buy the game twice!
  5. I'm about to go reserve KOF. Even though I'm sure there doesn't exist a single soul in my hood that has reserved it. I just miss the feeling of reserving games.
  6. Even to this day, UMK3 is still my favorite one. I remember how hyped I was when MK4 came out...only to not really care once I started playing it.
  7. I love SF1. It might take me a 20 fukkin attempts to get off a "Psycho Fire" (Hadouken) and some luck to do a DP, but when it connects with the opponent:
  8. I've been enjoying many of the character interaction quotes in Capcom Vs SNK 2. Bison/Athena: "Psycho Power delivers true terror!" "No! No! It gives people hopes and dreams!" Both Bison and Athena use "Psycho Power", but both versions are completely different from one another. Bison/Sagat: "That look in your eyes, you are like a terrified little animal." "You should be ashamed of yourself as a martial artist. ・・・・ It is pathetic!" Bison is always insulting Sagat. Rugal/Cammy "There is no need for calculations. I'm pretty sure I'll win 100% of the time." "This is the kind of overconfidence that leads to mistakes." Rugal/Sakura “I have no blind spots in my extensive knowledge of all martial arts!” “A " walking encyclopedia of martial arts" you could say!” I love this interaction. Both are mimics, but Rugal is dimensions greater than Sakura in that area. She could learn a lot fighting alongside him. Ken/Akuma "I'll surpass both you and Ryu!" "Hmph... That bark, show me what you can do." Bison/Geese "It's not so bad to be working with you like this." "We will not be friends for very long, though. ......" Bison/Akuma "It is my desire to have the entire world in my hands!" "I only seek out the strongest ・・・・!" There may not be a whole lot of story stuff, but the dialogue in that game is hella top-notch.
  9. I'm a product of SF4 and Marvel 3's netcode. I was created to deal with this pain. Shyt can really be unbearably ass at times tho fr. Pretty curious to see how they handle ranking in the next game.
  10. Went to a Japanese streamer's channel. He was playing SFV. Don't even know his name...since it was in all Japanese. Right as soon as I arrived, I heard T-Pain playing. When that track was over, a Big Sean track came on. Then Jodeci started playing. I've officially seen it all.
  11. @Lord_Vega Wanted your opinion on something. Ryu's Alpha bio: Always found this bit about Psycho Power interesting. Even though it sounds like something Ryu would do, I don't believe anything in-game points to it. Then again, there's nothing that goes against it either. Do you believe this plot point was ultimately dropped?
  12. Luke's story write-up: Luke's story begins with him having a flashback about the fateful day he was hit by his father, Robert. He was in a mall surrounded by people running and screaming in a panic. Luke never seen his father behave in this manner before, as he was often a quiet man. The situation they were in was pretty dire. His father found an explosive device that was set to blow up the mall. Once he noticed this, he ordered Luke to run. It took being hit by his father for him to actually gather himself enough to run. The mall went on to explode not too long after. It was the work of terroists. Had it not been for Robert's quick thinking to help evacuate others, there would've been a lot more casualties. After experiencing the heinousness of terroism, Luke resolved to fight against it. He joined the army and grew into a very strong young man. Even though this became a natural part of his daily life, he was still left feeling empty. One day he was approached by Guile while he was training. Guile could sense that the young soldier was bothered, so he asked him if he was up for having a match. Luke gladly accepted....warning the old timer that he won't pull his punches, which was fine with Guile. Both are shown having a drink together after bruising each other up a good bit. Guile knows Luke is stressing about his future and heard about him losing his father to a terroist attack. Luke admits this was what motivated him to join the Special Forces, but he's also been thinking about what lies beyond the military. He's not sure if being a soldier is enough to help him grow stronger. Guile has been in Luke's shoes before. He also knows others who left to military to search for what they were looking for. Even though Guile would hate for the military to lose a skilled fighter like Luke, he sees no reason to stop Luke from fighting on his own terms. He then makes a toast to Luke's father and to his fight going forward. Luke always viewed his father as simple, quiet, and reserved man prior to the incident. But after seeing how his father conducted himself that day, he quickly realized that his impression of his father was all wrong. Luke has now decided to fight his own battle and vowed to become the man his father was in the future. Arcade Ending: Shadaloo Data: Hard to believe we've been doing this since 2016. The roughest time had to be win when Poison, Lucia, and Honda were released. That ish was so hard. I was up the entire night into the morning getting those. It's been fun gathering win quotes for the entire cast since the beginning.
  13. My long journey in the shark infested waters of Survival Mode has finally reached its end. What a journey! And the best part about it is I never once used the continue option ever since it became available in Arcade Edition. I promised myself that even if I lost when getting to around 80 or 90 (has happened more than I'd like to admit), I'd have to start all the way from the beginning. I either beat it on a single play or I can't beat it at all. As ridiculous as that sounds, I had a lot of fun adhering to those rules. Anyway, it's been a lot of fun.
  14. I was sitting there waiting for Luke's next fight after Guile...and I kept waiting because it never happened. We've been had.
  15. Not gonna lie, I wasn't too excited about Luke when he was first revealed. But after seeing how he interacts with the cast, I actually think he's pretty cool. Moveset is pretty nice as well.
  16. Luke to Rose: This "Soul Power" is sorta weird...But I guess there's all kinds of power floating around." Rose to Luke: "A new card...I am interested in what role you will play in the world's future..." Luke to Dan: "So, if I beat Saikyo-Style, does that make me the strongest there is? No way...What an anti-climax!" Dan to Luke: "You wanna know true strength? I'm right here, dude! Feast your eyes!" Luke to Gill: "You probably get this question all the time, but I did beat you, so...What's your real body color?" Gill to Luke: "I know what you seek and how you struggle. I can grant what you desire." Luke to Honda: "Sumo wrestling, huh? I like the headbutting stuff." Honda to Luke: "If it's power you seek, you've found it! It's called sumo wrestling!" Luke to G: "President...? 'Kay...Whatever, I won! Woohoo!" G to Luke: "The path you have chosen as a citizen of Earth will serve to aid the President of the World." Luke to Kage: "You think you're strong speaking about death like it's nothing...? Hah. 'Kay..." Kage to Luke: "Now you know true power: MINE! Bwahaha!" Luke to Falke: "Going by the look on your face, I get the feeling you don't like me." Falke to Luke: "It's not that I don't like you; it's just that I don't care." Luke to Sakura: "Lesson learned: never underestimate a fighter in a school uniform!" Sakura to Luke: "You learn a thing or two when you follow someone really strong!" Luke to Ed: "You're a cheeky brat...but I can relate..." Ed to Luke: "See what happens when you treat me like some punk kid?!" Luke to Menat: "If you wanna see the future, just keep moving forward." Menat to Luke: "I glimpsed into your future, and drama is very much front and center." Luke to Akuma: "Damn! You're strong with a capital HOLY CRAP!" Akuma to Luke: "Coward! To know strength is to face death!" Luke to Juri: "I'm over the whole "fight to the death" thing. Had enough of that in my last job." Juri to Luke: "Another military dropout? Hah! You're too soft!" Luke to Ibuki: "Frickin' ninja kids messing 'round with bombs..." Ibuki to Luke: "Hmph! They're fireworks, not bombs! And...I'm not some kid, you know!" Luke to Alex: "I've thought about what lies beyond strength too, y'know." Alex to Luke: "Unfortunately for you, it takes more than that to defeat me." Luke to Rashid: "You wanna verse me in an FPS match? Sorry, but I've got you beat there, too." Rashid to Luke: "You might be better at FPS games than me, but I outmatched your guns here!" Luke to Laura: "Your lightning rocks and shocks! You could suppress a riot!" Laura to Luke: "Wow, you were flying around all like BAM BAM!" Luke to Zangief: "I mean, if this was an arm-wrestling match, you'd beat me for sure!" Zangief to Luke: "You need less games and more strength training! Haha!" The Gief to Luke: You are puny half-pint! If you want strength you gotta build muscles first!" Luke to R. Mika: "Gonna be honest...I thought pro-wrestlers were all show, but you really rocked the rumble out there!" R. Mika to Luke: "Does your MMA stand for "Military Martial Arts" or something? Not bad, whatever it is!" Luke to Chun-Li: "Damn, that's some fancy footwork you got there! I learned a lot!" Chun-Li to Luke: "You leave yourself far too open...A sign of your youth, I suppose." Luke to Karin: "Y'know, I really did think you'd just be some spoiled dumbass, but I was wrong!" Karin to Luke: "I know you expected some incompetent spoiled brat. Unfortunately for you, however, you face a Kanzuki!" Luke to Nash: "Looks like you've got a lot going on, so how about we just say you let me win?" Nash to Luke: "If you're a military man, I suggest you back off before the darkness gets you." Luke to Ryu: "Whenever I hear the phrase "the path to strength", you spring to mind." Ryu to Luke: "This marks the start of your journey to fighting on your own terms." Luke to Ken: "Never thought I'd face an All-American champ...Man, I'm glad I chose this path!" Ken to Luke: "You've got guts, but you're no match for me." Luke to M. Bison: "Hoo yeah! I took out the final boss!" M. Bison to Luke: "All your bouncing around couldn't even serve as a circus sideshow!" Luke to Birdie: "Your hair rocks, dude! It defies gravity and everythign!" Birdie to Luke: "Lookin' to get stronger? You ain't got the stomach for it, mate." Luke to Cammy: "You may be small and quick, but my aim don't miss!" Cammy to Luke: "A military man like yourself should know when you're outranked." Luke to Vega: "Kinda cringe to go on about beauty during a fight, dude..." Vega to Luke: "Yet another fool who could never understand true beauty..." Luke to Necalli: "Devour what? Me? Man, I don't get you." Necalli to Luke: "A young soldier's soul tastes so bitter-itter-itter..." Luke to F.A.N.G: "A poison debuff? Are you like a mid-level boss or something?" F.A.N.G to Luke: "Just because you want to fight your own battles, doesn't mean you're capable of it." Luke to Balrog: "You throw a mean punch, but my footwork's got you beat!" Balrog to Luke: "Quit jumpin' and die already!" Luke to Guile: "Thank you, sir! I'll follow my own path!" Guile to Luke: "I suggest you re-enlist and get your act together in boot camp." Luke to Kolin: "Victory doesn't taste so sweet when my lips are turning blue..." Kolin to Luke: "I despise hotheaded men, showy men, and military men. Basically, you're all of my dealbreakers." Luke to Urien: "Everyone loses sometimes, so you should probably drop the whole raging ego thing." Urien to Luke: "Mindless sheep! How dare you speak of strength?!" Luke to Abigail: "Bigger they are, the harder they fall! And boy do I love the noise they make when they do!" Abigal to Luke: "What good's a flashy car if it ain't got power under the hood?!" Luke to Zeku: "Young, old, young, old...Ninjas, man...They can do anything!" Zeku to Luke: "Lesson's bitter tears, from child eyes to memory. So blooms the adult." Luke to Cody: "Fighting me's the best kinda community service!" Cody to Luke: "Schedule an appointment if you want a rematch." Luke to Blanka: "I did survival training in the jungle, and, man, the humidity was my worst enemy. Blanka to Luke: "I'm king of the jungle. My strength earned me the title." Luke to Sagat: "You the emperor of ripped muscles or something?" Sagat to Luke: "I've walked my path much longer than you have yours." Luke to Poison: "Put that whip away for half a damn second! Jeez!" Poison to Luke: "Such a cutie. How about we test your manliness back at my place?" Luke to Seth: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you seriously some kinda cyborg?" Seth to Luke: "New data found. Adding to database..." Luke to Lucia: "Fighting a cop kinda gets me nervous. Like I'm a bad news kid again." Lucia to Luke: "I know a rebel when I see one! Admit it: you were a bad kid! You still one?!" Luke to Oro: "And now an old dude...? What a weird-ass journey, man..." Oro to Luke: "Another chick has hatched. Shall I live to see him come of age?" Luke to Akira: "Man, you've got guts! Good fight!" Akira to Luke: "Nobody beats me in a test of nerve!" Luke to Luke: "When people said the real battle is with yourself, I didn't think they were speaking literally!"
  17. Bruh. Poison to Luke: "Such a cutie. How about we test your manliness back at my place?"
  18. Came across this old image of mines from some yrs back. That Diamond emblem had me thinking I was hot shyt. I finally climbed the MT. Everest of CFN. I was so clueless.
  19. @ShockDingoSomething I always found hilarious was Bison's presence in SFEX2. He wasn't in that game (returned in EX2+), but was still apart of the plot for a few characters. Guile and Chun-Li even fight him in their endings despite him not being in the actual game.
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