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Everything posted by elliephil

  1. Covid made things difficult so I didn't really do much, just enjoyed company of friends, got drunk, played some gaemz, made some pizzas in the wood oven... it was perfect for me lolol I wouldn't mind maybe going to the casino once everything is safe, these lottery tickets ain't going to curb my degeneracy forever 😉 jk
  2. Thanks man! Yeah we got married in an arcade! We streamed it and everything!
  3. Not anymore. I am catching Ls to my wife now 🙂
  4. There is only one true answer. Take away all of the input buffers and make it evil hard to do anything like early sf2 hehehehe >:)
  5. T7 was the first 3d fighting game I ever tried to learn. I felt that the biggest barriers to overcome were the movement, knowing the proper iFrame punishes, matchup knowledge, wakeup options, and silly little nuanced things like throw breaking, chicken technique, etc. I've heard many Tekken veterans say that T7 was "more 2D" than other 3d fighters. I played Tag Tournament 2 about a year ago and can certainly notice what they are saying. The movement in T7, while still very advanced, is more stiff compared to previous entries. (Or at least the Tekken's that used the "bound" system.) Obviously this game isn't for everyone. I do feel like this is a good entry level 3d fighter for anyone interested but not wanting to take a plunge into something more technical.
  6. T7 is a great game. If you know what to focus on, it doesn't require ~that~ much time to get a hang of.
  7. I totally forgot about capcom-unity. When did they shut down the forums?
  8. Maybe it's toxic of me, but the first thing I thought of after seeing all of these Strive matches being played overseas was "I wonder what the edgy forum guy thinks of this" LOL
  9. I think I remember a while back someone saying how rollback wasn't ideal or wouldn't work as intended in the new Guilty Gear. This could have been on SRK. Idk. Looking pretty good right now lol
  10. Kof 2002um you say... with the rollback netcode. When we running this? I want to play against actual people!
  11. That was always unfortunate to deal with. I just remember ggpo being way better than kaillera. That was a big deal to me and the people I played with regularly.
  12. Huh, that's pretty crazy. I've been playing GGPO/FightCade for years and this is the first time I've heard someone say they had a terrible experience (assuming all of you are on wired with stable connections.) 30A is great for offline local but I've had less than great times playing it online. The Xrd community really hates the online experience. On a higher level of play, it's incredibly inconsistent considering how crazy technical that game can get.
  13. SFV netcode might be some of the most discouraging in a recent title. I think SFV is interesting enough at this point to be pretty fun locally but being stuck in lock down with so many other titles to pass the time with a superior online experience (fightcade, nulldc bear, etc) , it's a really lacklustre experience. I think you can see it a bit with the player base as well. Once you are beyond the lower levels, there really isn't THAT many people playing online. I think it's a pretty contentious issue considering there was a fix and then SFV patched it out.
  14. If that st.HK comes back, it might be the batsignal for chun mains. Basically an upside down kick with insane range. Lmao, I just remembered now that V has crush counter. Gonna be interesting to see how Rose turns out.
  15. I might need to update my ps plus, but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot 😉
  16. I've only played the game a handful of times, but Charlotte seems really solid for getting a hold of the game. I have some friends who were serious about SamSho and that's what they recommended me (new to the series) to play.
  17. Can't really get mad at people trying to make things better. Won't always be perfect on the first try. As long as the intent to make events safer and more welcoming is there, it's harmless.
  18. I've been watching this. Know literally nothing about competitive kof scene in Brazil, or really at all. Pretty entertaining though. Would love to play some 2002um with someone here sometime 🙂
  19. Hell really did freeze over. He entered an online tournament.
  20. I'm on PC. I've been playing the game kinda casually just to do get some challenges complete and unlock content. Still a hella fun game. Definitely my favourite game from last year. The demons are really fun to play in battlemode and when playing as the slayer I feel like I am playing a custom level or something. Really fun.
  21. I guess I meant more so that urien doesn't actually have any way to directly counter pressure other than whiffing headbutts like a goon. Top tiers definitely have more options available than him. I wouldn't say every character experiences the same issues Urien does. He can't handle any knockdown from any range really, he has to hold it. (unless you go online sicko mode and whiff headbutts on wake up lol)
  22. Urien hates being knocked down, command throws, multi hitting moves, small characters and especially makoto who has like all of those things LOL Still dope character design, so much fun
  23. lol I love that clip. Rushdown chun li. I remember at Canada Cup a few years ago watching a high level urien player go up against a well established international chun player from Japan. I had watched him play against a bunch of Akuma players earlier and seeing the red parries going hard, meaning he had the capability of forcing some respect from the other player. Lost two separate rounds (at pixel health) being stuck in the corner after sa2, forced to parry but didn't have any actual way to safely turn the momentum. Wish I would have recorded them... oh well.
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