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Everything posted by elliephil

  1. Dill pickle on pizza is kinda decent. I was weary of it but it's worth trying. Dill pickle pie is some Little House on the Prairie "we ain't gonna survive this winter without doing this" type shit
  2. The dc version of the game is on fightcade and NullDC bear if you are interested. Totally free and has decent online.
  3. Not sure where else to ask this, but how many of you like playing Marvel vs Capcom (any of them)? Like at least a few times a month? Just curious.
  4. One time I went to a punk dive bar for Halloween and the security guy was wearing hulk fists
  5. Tekken 7 RB Kumite 2021 results for those who are interested. 2D characters still alive and well, Akuma and Geese 🙂 Good to see an irl event return, even if it is invite only.
  6. I've had Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster on my backlog for almost 10 years now, maybe I should finally play it lol
  7. Marvel 3 reflex ultimate happening right now. Bracket here.
  8. I haven't had Christmas off for the past few years now due to the nature of my work. While it's nice to not be forced into any obligations, I kinda miss seeing my family every year. Otherwise, screw all the money being spent. I could care less about receiving something and I think everyone in my family is grown enough now to not care as well. I just wanna drink and eat lol.
  9. I woke up at the part with all the Nazi gold and was waiting for face melting
  10. LOL I definitely remember all the hatorade being passed around before by like the 3 same dudes non-stop. Glad to see the tradition is still running strong here. I can still access the forums for whatever reason, if someone sends me a link to the thread (too lazy) I'll screenshot lol
  11. My pick too. I have a friend who is close with Ryan and he's getting annoyed with his DM's being blown up asking about him apparently. So it might actually be true. 😞
  12. someone keeps spreading a rumor that RyanLV got replaced with Romora... pretty sure it's a troll but still edit: waymin
  13. I want to win a local tournament. It doesn't have to be anything huge, just something where people are taking it seriously. I've came close in a few games in my scene but I've never been able to win. I'm moving away in a year so I want to at least say I won once before leaving for good.
  14. You watching that new movie on netflix? I fell asleep while watching it with the wife lol
  15. LOL someone called ChrisCCH the new white guy LMAO 😂
  16. You wouldn't by change know where I could get the fc rom for samsho 5? I had the json files but they stopped working.
  17. It's already happening and I ain't apologizing. You wanna pick low tier? Cool! I'm still playing Sentinel 🤖
  18. Stuck at work overnight and only now have I begun bringing the switch to play games. Mostly just playing chill stuff like Animal Crossing and Tetris Effect in case anything comes in. Any relaxed/casual games anyone could recommend?
  19. We haven't even passed Thanksgiving yet, but doesn't mean I can't pass the cheer along to you guys
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