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Everything posted by elliephil

  1. Cool. I'm assuming you play on steam? We could play sometime 🙂
  2. Compared to SFV, SF4 was like playing chess on the back of a motorcycle going up a hill...
  3. Twitch finally on the Switch now yay
  4. One time someone hacked the Sesame Street youtube channel and put a bunch of pr0n on there, I think this was 2007-2009ish lol. It's documented somewhere probably.
  5. 2D characters are really strong and it's pretty a contentious topic. I think they are fun. Obviously due to licensing they might not be here forever but I think it's a good way to get new players (me lol) into the series. Akuma and Geese tods are still really funny but I don't think that's really a problem with 2D characters as much as damage balancing. Season 2 saw damage output go super crazy sicko mode and depending on resources and other factors, could become a 2-3 touch game if playing right.
  6. It's crazy how different season 1 is from what it is now. Maybe it's better now? All I know was that Season 2 had me peace tf out lol
  7. I had noticed that a lot of the new guys playing 3s came from random games like Smash and Dragonball and it didn't really make sense to me why they would be attracted to 3s of all games. Maybe it's just a visual thing? But this makes sense to me now. I'd rather have a bunch of smash kids playing than it become dormant like it did for a few years there... sad times.
  8. What if they institute a system where if they want to use a crowd funding platform they need to provide sensitive information (real name, address, social security, etc) to be encrypted and stored on something like a block chain (or anything really), it gets background checked by the provider for verification, and then it essentially acts as collateral for the individual seeking crowd funding. If they follow through, the encrypted information will return to them and if they don't... it becomes public domain or some shit. Won't run away with all that money and broken promises if everyone can headhunt you, hmm? Evil plan muahahaha
  9. Cannibalistic satanic ritual but instead of eating babies it's teenagers eating Travis Scott happy meals and getting scared the cops will search their fanny packs
  10. Now all of a sudden I have an urge to push a grocery cart around and check "bananas" off my list, Ed's theme has that grocery store music itch that I so desperately needed scratched! Thanks Capcom!
  11. Clearly it's Kermit the frog getting ready to pull out a samurai sword... guest characters are essential these days 😛
  12. I heard they are patching Noel's voice soon. They are making her quieter. Biggest nerf evar?
  13. If landlord's do it, I say you should do this... two months security deposit going forward lul
  14. lmfao I would have loved to have been in the meeting where they were like "okay so this year let's grill a carrot and call it vegetarian, that way we can save money on that hippie soy stuff..." I had a similar thing happen at one place I worked. Years ago I was vegetarian and my work was holding an employee appreciation bbq thing. They had the usual hot dogs and burgers, but they also had veggie burgers. They were round grey things with almost no texture whatsoever, might as well have just been a hockey puck. I straight up walked up to the people in charge of food and order one and I swear I saw them "painting" some kind of sauce to make it look more like a real burger lololol I wish I would have inquired more but I really didn't care about that job and left a few weeks later to go back to school. So weird haha
  15. SFxT is finally dead HOORAY :^) jk, hope to see it actually playable on steam. I tried playing it at locals a few years ago on my laptop and it crashed every single time cause of Games for Windows live.
  16. There is this new place that opened around me and they serve "rice hot dogs". What would you think that entails exactly? thinking
  17. @Sonero thanks for stopping by to say hello in the stream. Means a lot to us 🙂
  18. I totally believe this is a real guy... I went to New England from Canada in February and Boston bros really are built like that and everyone just goes with it...
  19. Everyone who hasn't grinded this game out for eternity sucks at it. There's only a few games that I can think of that have an ultra dedicated player base as mvc2. I wouldn't worry about it 😛 If you need help with setting anything up let me know.
  20. Hey not sure if anyone has got on the new fc2 update with marvel 2? You know I'm always down 👀
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