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Pair of Rooks

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Everything posted by Pair of Rooks

  1. As the arcades died in my area in the mid 90s, it was always a pleasure to find the odd arcade cab in places you wouldn't think to look. I hit this trucker's stop on my evening commute home from college to gas up all the time, then one day explore it to find it had a Fighters History cab in the back. Totally unfamiliar with the name, I play and discover it's a solid game. So many happy quarters ended my day that semester. A year or two later I'm in a hole-in-the-wall noodle shop for lunch and hear the faint sound of hadokens from the back. This is how I discovered SF Alpha existed.
  2. I have so much hate for that video right now. First of all, oatmeal lowers cholesterol and is part of a well balanced diet. Add honey and blueberries like I did this morning and you've got meter all day. Second, 45 is a great age. Fuck you kid. Third, boomers never played videogames back in the day cause they didn't exist. Boomers played pinball. If you're gonna take potshots at my gen at least get the name right. Fourth, when you lose and go back to the end of the six-guy line, you spend that time thinking and analyzing why you lost. That makes you better. Fifth, Graham Wolf won the fucking tournament. Sixth, Daigo is also in that same generation of "if I was into it now like I was then". This YouTube wannabe can fuck right off all of my lawns. I have a work meeting to attend now. 😤
  3. +1 Insightful post. Can't they all suck? When's Riot.
  4. Did my easy mode speedrun of Strider. An hour:42. Pretty happy with it, my goal was sub 2 hours since I hit 2:15 on normal difficulty without proper strats. Having said this, I don't think I have what it takes to be a speedrunner. I get so angry with that gotta go fast mentality that every errant button press just pisses me right off. Plus, the awful cutscenes in Research cannot be skipped. In related news:
  5. After six years, I finally got 100% completion on Strider. 🥰 Took me 8.5 hours spread over 3 days, on hard mode for extra fun. Took care of the house and kids for a few hours, then dove back in for a new game to get the last two achievements, notably the speedrun one. Completed normal mode in 2 hours 16 minutes from start. It's nice getting achievements that only 2% of the playerbase got. I'm ready for a new Strider game, Capcom!
  6. Starting with stores wouldn't do much, balance wise. It's a nice QoL change but that's it. Making the firekick safer oB would be the lifesaver. I know at -2 it's already safer than its ever been; in 4 the whole cast could punish. But in yolo sfv just +0 oB would really enable the rest of her kit. I know it shouldn't be too good or it would outshine the stored moves themselves, but idk make it have pure projectile properties or something so some cast members can break through it, especially if they have meter. I've considered what if it were multihit, but that just adds flavor I think.
  7. It took me like an hour and reading steam community comments to even figure out how to do this. I don't even know who to blame. OTOH I've finally started my replay of 2014's Strider. While story mode downloads. EDIT: or not. Apparently no downloads happen while playing a game. lol
  8. And their menu UI mentions none of this. 😖 Thx.
  9. I fired up SFV yesterday to finally play the story mode. I can't? It's grayed out?!?! Wtf.
  10. I saw both of those. Ninja Scroll and... idk. I recognize the box art.
  11. Oh it's a helmet. I thought she was nine months pregnant.
  12. I think that is straight up the most wholesome thing in SF fanart anywhere.
  13. Bafael has a yt channel talking SF balance. By request, his viewers asked him to cover usf4 DeeJay. It's an interesting watch, considering few of us would take the time to really dig into why the character just doesn't seem to work.
  14. In unequivocally good news, the year 2020 has only one week to live.
  15. This would be funnier to me if SF2:WW didn't have that opening cinematic that it does. But hey, at least they removed it on the... 4th iteration?
  16. I liked VIII over VII, though I didn't play either of them for very long. I'd still say FF3 is the better one, and probably aged better than the PS1 era games. But VII has the most cultural cachet for whatever reason. I really liked FF Tactics, but I got stuck halfway through and couldn't complete one of the fights. Still recommend it. My first FF was the 8-bit one. Got in on the ground floor on that series. 🙂 But I also never played a Pokemon game or a KH game in my life cause they all came out after I was in college.
  17. There were several planned DLCs that got unceremoniously cancelled, so I'm assuming the microtransactions were on the way.... Shucks. 😃
  18. I don't know either, but supposedly nfs:heat is the only one whose story mode isn't full cringe.
  19. I have chosen mains before by how much I like or win the mirror.
  20. Aight, your blonde blue eyed Lucia from PR got me.
  21. Nothing truly surprising in that leak. Good call to favor midtier streamers for promoting the new IP. LGBQ friendly stuff is known. Sethette... Anything they can do to get away from racist stereotypes is wonderful cause Lord knows they needed help there. And SF6 never existed except in our hearts. 😭
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