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Pair of Rooks

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Everything posted by Pair of Rooks

  1. Dissidia on PSP allowed converting replays to movie files for upload back in the day when PSP was a thing people owned. Dissidia. On PSP. Back when a recovering alcoholic Robert Downey Jr was gonna be in a new iron man movie and we all assumed it was gonna suck. Why FGC so poverty? 😭
  2. Nah I think we call him a boomer cause that trumps scrub. There's a priority system you see...
  3. They can't. They stop. ABA will keep coming at you like a rampaging snail.
  4. Alpha 3 always had the best single-player content of every SF game until 6. You don't play XvsSF for a great game, you play it for a great time, flinging bullshit at your buddies until someone cries kusoge.
  5. I'm actually in favor of such fees. It pressures devs to actually care about package sizes so I don't have to effectively redownload the whole of SFV for a balance patch. Tier it, sure, but put it there.
  6. tl;dw you can hold Dash button, and hold down-back, at the same time. She'll keep dashing forward (unlike the other step-dashers like Leo & Gio) but will instantly block anything she dashes into. This works in non-Rage mode when she has no real mobility.
  7. Tragically, Marisa armored through the bullet and killed him off the touch. Stay in your tier!
  8. I love learning this kind of shit cause it makes me feel normal by comparison 😂 Competition does to a man what competition does.
  9. Of course I just ended 4 months of unemployment literally this week. 😠 (also, the key is wearing belts.)
  10. All that, and I'm most interested in the new character. No shade to Daemos etc., but I feel I already know what most of those characters are about. Vega's one-hit pokes in a game with Drive Impact, fun. Well, ok, if they tie Elena's healing to a renewal resource again it'll be fun to watch the internet melt down. 😄
  11. His best YouTube comment was simply, "we have gekkosquirrel at home" cause it's eerily on point. But hey he's a HC main so whaddya expect.
  12. Well, despite the thread title, I do think Aki is fixed. Her jab.... 😄
  13. ngl i've always found VF to be the most snore-inducing FG of all time, with characters that look like plastic mannequins with the dryest story imaginable. Any kind of reboot / art style rework is appreciated. Even if it's just for the esports
  14. I remember breaking the 50 hit barrier with juri in SF4. Unsurprisingly, it's wildly unoptimal.
  15. So basically the what top 6 got nerfed and bottom five got buffed, plus two characters with a bugfix. Man, juri is having her best week ever.
  16. Yeah there's some impactful stuff in there. Gutting damage and meter gain off of Amnesia as well as worsening his #1 AA is pretty big. How many Lily mains are cursing Hibikis name right now though 😂
  17. I tried but tapped out around top six. And that was with skipping Luke mirrors and all JP matches. Didn't help that the days leading up to it were also full of SF. Total overdose.
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