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Faltimar the Dark

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Everything posted by Faltimar the Dark

  1. They are trying to get rid of the old characters in the main line of SF games. That's why they're making all the OG characters get older and new younger fighters are showing up.
  2. I snagged that game today. Looks cool. Thanks for posting about it before else I might never have known about it.
  3. Lots games with that stuff still in it. Any of you guys try out that Dragon Ball The Breakers beta?
  4. Another pretty interesting bit -
  5. I tried it when they were doing the playtest a month ago or so. I didnt like it so much. I may give it another try down the road since its f2p.
  6. yeah, it was a joke...but good on you for proving me wrong. 🤣
  7. But they're makin' them all get older. Rog is a boxer and boxers dont age well. They're usually pretty gone in the mind (and cant even box anymore) by their 50's. He'd be confused the entire time...rocky style.
  8. So much wokeness. 🤣 Most of you sound like I can imagine its easy for you to be friends with women and not want to fuck.
  10. Have any of you tried Luna on Amazon? I tried it once, played Bloodrayne 2 and it ran ok. But I got bsod after I exited the app or whatever it was. Gonna check it out again today using a 7 day free trial thing. I wont ever pay for this service but if its free I'll check it out here and there. couple freebies from EGS
  11. Also this - Game looks amazing to me. Creepy and disgusting. Really lookin' forward to it.
  12. I can control myself. I see that you three cannot. Its pathetic and sad. Anyone played this - Looks cool and there is a second game that came out on Steam. I think the games were on Switch originally. Just wondering what anyone's thoughts were on it.
  13. I like how the three weirdest dudes had something to day about that. Guess you guys are woke too. The game will be right up y'all alley.
  14. I downloaded the new saints row a questionable manner. You know what I mean. Anyhow, after watching some vids and just reading around...nah fuck that. I just deleted it. Motherfuckers should pay me to pirate that shit. Waste internet on that shit...
  15. I saw that last night when I was reading facebook while I ate. You got to be one stupid motherfucker to cook chicken in nyquil. Even when I was a teenager or a young adult I wouldnt have done something so stupid and disgusting. Anyhow, we watching Ruthless People. Funny movie still.
  16. I saw that game the other day and I thought the same thing as you J-ride.
  17. I grabbed Soulstice yesterday. I hear its suppose to be pretty a dmc type game. We'll see. I havent played CP2077 in a good bit. I know its suppose to have gotten some really helpful updates. I'll try it again some day. Its funny that the game sucks but the cartoon is great.
  18. Didnt know it was terribly difficult to create the shit on ps3, guess that's why their isn't all that much homebrew stuff on PS3. I never looked into making homebrew...I'm just an end user.
  19. Interesting - Makes me wonder how the scene for PS4 is. I know on ps3 there isnt all that much homebrew that I use. There was a newer video player added not long ago that I use on occasion because it will read srt files.
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